Pies Recipes

Paleo German Chocolate Pecan Pie (you WANT this for Thanksgiving!)

Elizabeth kicks off Thanksgiving prep week with the best part – dessert! German Chocolate Pecan Pie to be exact. This recipe is not difficult, but has a couple finicky things about it so watch and see how to makeover this Thanksgiving classic. I hope you enjoy this one!

Pie Shield/Collar: https://amzn.to/2qRQs1k
My holiday ebook: https://amzn.to/33PTyl5
Monkfruit Sweetener: https://amzn.to/32PT6C3

The Recipe:
1 unbaked pie crust
3 cups pecan halves
3/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup honey
6 tablespoon ghee (coconut oil, palm shortening and butter are all acceptable substitutes)
1 1/2 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
5 eggs

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake pie crust for 8-10 minutes. Do not let it brown.
2. While the crust is baking, toast your pecans. Place them in a single layer on a baking sheet and toast for 5-8 minutes, just until fragrant, stirring once during baking.
3. Add maple syrup and honey to a small sauce pan and heat over medium low until just starting to bubble. Remove from heat and add ghee, cocoa powder, vanilla and salt. Whisk well to combine.
4. Add eggs to a mixing bowl and whisk well. Add the hot maple syrup mixture to the eggs 1 tablespoon at a time, whisking all the while until you have added about 6 tablespoons. Now you can pour the remaining maple syrup mixture into the eggs, still whisking all the while. You need to do this slowly so you don’t end up scrambling your eggs.
5. Once pecans are toasted, set aside one cup for the top, chop the rest (or leave in halves if that’s your preference), and add those along with coconut to the egg mixture. Combine well.
6. Pour this into your pie crust and arrange reserved pecan halves on the top.
7. Bake 20-30 minutes, until pie just jiggles a little in the center when you move it

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[Music]hey there Atlas behinds here from theOttoman pre-cooking Club and our peafamily we’re talking Thanksgiving thisweek I am stepping you through someThanksgiving classicswhether you’re hosting or you’re justbringing a dish I’m showing you how youcan have your cake and eat it too youcan enjoy the classic delicious holidayfoods in a way that is anti-inflammatoryand either keep or help get your chronichealth conditions under control I hateit when the oven beats right in themiddle of my sentenceit timing is impeccable so today we’remaking one of the recipes that has beenexclusively in my holiday cookbook it’scalled Euro paleo holiday you candownload that for $10 from Amazon orApple but this is one of those specialrecipes is in that book it is Germanchocolate pecan pie because what hasplank pecan pie when you can have drivenchocolate pecan pie and it’s amazing ifyou take regular cacao I that is full ofcorn syrup and sugar and you replace itwith maple syrup and honey and you havethis delicious almond flour pie crustyou have something that is out of thisworldin fact I plan to have leftovers fordinner tonight because I can’t eatleftovers and that way I’ll have to justhave pie for dinner so much I feel sorryfor me I just have to eat pie so thispie crust recipe was I developed it anddeveloped it and developed it my familyis kind of famous for pie and it isdefinitely a badge of honor to learn howto make a good homemade pie crust andthen when I have to start cookingpaleo that just changedeverything and pie crust was one ofthose things that really took me a longtime to work out so this recipe is inthat book and you have to either be amember of the autoimmune free cookingclub or you go to buy that cookbook toget this recipe and it’s really good andas you can see it rolls out nicely now Ididn’t show you how to make it I’m goingto show you how I get it in the pie panbecause it’s a little bit tricky becausethere’s no gluten in here so I just wantto show you how I do it and this is theeasiest way so I rolled it out with apiece of parchment then I take my panand invert it over my crust and then wefit it down in and it’s gonna crack andit’s gonna break apart and you’re gonnahave to fit it together but it’s muchbetter in my opinion that’s startingwith that lump of dough in the middle ofyour pan and having to just press it outfor this way I have a you know prettyeven thickness and then I can go fromthere so it’s breaking apart becauseit’s almond flour and I don’t put gumsor anything like that in here I shouldtry it with the psyllium husk I’ve beendoing some gluten-free baking with theaddition of psyllium husk because it’sadding it’s a fiber supplement but itadds that sort of chewiness that youwould get from the gluten and wheatflourthis might seem fussy to you but trustme this is the least fussy way to gosort of fit thisbe gentle with it so chocolate Germanchocolate pecan pie you’re going tostart with your crust and bake it forjust a few minutes and while the crustis baking we’re going to also toast thepecans you don’t have to touch thepecans but it really adds a lot offlavor so why not why not toast up soyou trim off the edgesthis particular pan has that little likehandle so you guys kind of work aroundthat okay and then we crimpif I get to a place where I feel like itneeds a little bit more kind of move Ijust Pat a little more on there and sortof sticking up that edge right there iskind of a thin spot okay so here’s mycrust rate to go in the oven this theselittle scraps scraper will make what wecall pie hands which is just theleftover right sometimes I roll it upand sometimes I just make it flat okayso in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes youdon’t want it to brown you’re just kindof getting it started I’m just going toshow you how to make these pies realquick so just kind of roll your crustback out or you can pat it out okay Ineed to start making my filling so in mypan I’m going to add a half a cup ofhoney and three cups three quarters of acup of maple syrup so that’s a cup and aquarter of sweetener and seriously mostpecan pies have way more than that lameor even paleo versions I’ve seen likethree cups of maple syrup in its it’sjust way too sweet so a half a cup ofhoney three quarters of a cup of maplesyrup and we’re going to put it in thissaucepan and just bring it up to asimmer I wanted to start to bubble andwhen it does that we’ll take it off I’mlet’s see if I can get these pine ismade to show us real quick that justmakes a yummy treat I didn’t put anymore I’ll push my arrow right here takea little air every monthyou can what you want when your car goeswe just do butter cinnamon and this is agolden monk fruit sweetener which islike brown sugar you could use coconutsugar oh I forgot to have maple sugaroughta stick with what I have out maplesugar is really good she just if you’rebetter with melted or super soft youcould actually spread it around but I’mjust patting it around and that’s finetoo this grass-fed butter is like it hasa texture to it is almost like a chewytexture just a little bit of sweetenerlike this tell you the brand of it in asecondla cañada monk fruit its monk fruit inerythritol mix together and it’s a goodflavor and it doesn’t have that coolnessthat you get a lot of times from othererythritol sweeteners and then just kindof roll it up it started with yourparchment because again you know it’sfragile though it’s gonna fall apartit’s not going to stay together justlike a gloomy crust with youoh that’s ready to go I’ve got a three[Applause]and then just kind of pinch it togetherjust help yourself there cut these intolittle pieces and bake them so I want toget this in the oven and then I’ll workon what we got going right here we givethis a little stir it’s heating up rightthere in the center and I want to hotall the way throughokay so we’re heating up our sugarmixture and we’re going to mix it upwith our beaten eggs so I guess webetter have beaten eggs so we’re goingto temper the eggs you know so we don’tend up with scrambled eggs in becausescrambled eggs hi-oh might be a thingsomewhere but it doesn’t sound verydelicious to me[Applause]so 5rj you do need to stir your pecansaround after a couple minutes this isreally bubbling away as you can see itdoes not need to boil to that extent butit’s fine it’s fine okay so I’m justgonna beat up my eggsI check my recipe here okay so weremoved this from the heat and we’regoing to add 6 tablespoons of butterghee ghee if you’re if you’re doingdairy-free I would recommend a coconutoil palm shortening will work but theyjust are not gonna bring the rightflavorI’m game would have a better flavor butof course if you can use butter use thebutter we’re adding some coconut powderthis one felt like there wasn’t much init I got out the second one just anunsweetened cocoa powder a tablespoon ateaspoon and a half of vanilla purevanillathe stuff is super expensive right nowand the salt which is an eighth of ateaspoon of saltI try to move things out of the way whenI’m done so I know what I’ve been withso we’re gonna blend these together withthe butter to melt butter maple syruphoneythe coconut powder and saltand then we’re going to start temperingour egg so get this all meltedso I want that butter is still meltingI’m not going to fight with it I wantabout a cup a cup of pecans for the topand I like to lay out pretty whole oneson the top and then I chopped the onesthat go inside the pie so I’m going tosort through my toasted pecans here andpick out the pretty whole ones these arereally nice these Kostka pecans havebeen really nice this year this is theend I have exactly three cups which waswhat I needed this might be a couplemore than what I need you never reallytotally know but it’ll be close okay soa couple pecans for the top but I’mgoing to just set that empty bin outbecause I need to use that to measure mycoconut and I’m going to chop these up[Music]if you don’t have one of these manyCuisinarts many food processors pleaseplease please get one ask for one forChristmas your birthday your anniversarywhatever I use it all the time all thetime I use it for so many things thatcan double as a blender make mayonnaisein their soup smoothie just you don’thave to worry about getting it allevenly chopped up just some chopping sofunny I ate a big breakfast at about andhave not eaten since then and I can telllike look at once a week or tired ordizzy or anything that I feel likealmost baggyokay so I’m going to start tempering byadding a little bit of this hot mixtureat a time this is a two tablespoonmeasuring spoon it’s justwhat withoutour measuring my something maple syrup Ithink in the pie crust we just want toadd some until my eggs are no longer icecold want them to be really warm thenI’ll mix them with ice picks the wholething into this pan this is the biggerone that should be goodokay get rid of this one and whiskingfor it for some reason I didn’t temperenough and your eggs curdle you can juststrain it it’s okay but you saw thatwasn’t difficult just take them in andslowly pour a little of the hot mixtureinto the egg to bring them up closer tothe sugars temperature and you can mixthem together you should notice they’restarting to get real thick and kind ofsyrupy blend up really well before youstop to whisk just make sure your eggshave all been incorporated okay so now Ijust need to add my coconut and pecansand this is a flat whisk so I can use itlike a rubber spatula I’m going to addin my chai and I need 1 cup ofunsweetened coconut flakeslet’s stir this in let’s make sure it’sall combined well grab my pie crust so Ibaked this crust for eight minutes andyou can just tell that it’s justbeginningto set and then we’re going to pour thefilling in put these whole pecans on topand bake for an additional twenty tothirty minutesit’s it’s kind of tricky this kind ofpie honestly is kind of tricky becauseit’s gonna still be jiggly in the middlewhen it’s done so I’ll show you how totell when it’s done okay so now you getfor those of you bitter artsy you get totap into your artistic side and startwith the biggest ones some are biggerand some are smaller and save thesmaller ones to go in the centeryou don’t have to do this you canabsolutely just chalk all of them andadd them all to the inside you know tothe filling stir them all up in therebut I just think this looks a little bitfancy and therefore I like to do it thisway okay look that guy right in thecenter and then will not use thoselittle broken ones see how pretty okayback in the 350 for about 20 minutes andthat’s it I’ll clean up a little bit andI’ll come back and I’ll show it to youI’ll show it to you if I’m testing it togive you an indication of you know howto tell when it’s done okay so let meshow you where we are this is 20 minutesin can you see how it’s jiggling fromabout this row in so it’s all goingaround the outside but about two-thirdsof it is still jiggly I really want thiscenter ring to be jiggly not this farout so I’m going to put this back in forabout five more minutes okay so I’mhoping you can see the difference hereand that we went from big jiggle fromthis outer ring all the way through fivemore minutes and we just have thisslight jiggle from it’s really thiscenter ring it’s a little more Brownaround the edge then I would love butit’s not earned remember this isprimarily made out of almonds and itwill just taste like toasted almonds Ithink it will taste great certainly youknow some people don’t eat the crust oryou can they make these little rings outof aluminum that you just set down ontop that supposedly helps to keep yourcrust from browning I’ve never tried oneI have made a little I don’t know whatwhat you would call it like a littlethin covering of foil to go around whenmy crust was getting too Brown but thereit’s such a hassle to mess with and Ijust I knew it would be fine it’s fineand I can’t cut it right now it would isall over the placeso we’re gonna let it cool and then Iwill show you how you I mean that is butif you want to show you my pie Dez Ialready ate half of them because youknow I told you didn’t have lunch butthey’re just these cute little rolls ofdough I know there’s like a rule notarugula but root AllahI’m fine $4.99 incorrectly that’ssomething similar to this you can seethe the layers in there it’s just reallydelicious in that way you’re not wastingthat delicious crust it’ll be you nicelittle treats everybody’s gonna whatyour pie right now and they’re gonnahave to wait or have to wait and let itcool before we eat it okay so the piousschool produce about 30 minutes so it’sstill warm but it is cool enough to cutit and show you the only the outside ofleaving the nuts on top hole like thisif it does make it a little bit trickierto cut it this is a super large piecethe little ones don’t but I want to showyou something I force it out who has allof that yummy sort of gooeyness oftraditional pecan pie and you see hasthe extra yumminess of the chocolate andthe coconut and it’s just it’s Germanchocolates you know if you’ve ever hadGerman chocolate cake it’s a real mildchocolate so we just had that tablespoonand a half of cocoa powder which givesit just that like hint of chocolate yesI couldn’t eat that whole piece but I’mnot going to I really taste the honey init it’s so good and I made to say thiswhen I was making it if you hate thetaste of honey or maple syrup you canuse all of one but none of the other butI really like it mixed I don’t lovehoney actually but a little bit of thathoney flavor is really delicious in thispie so there you have a deliciousThanksgiving dessert it was notcomplicated to make but yet it seemskind of fancy and people will love itand you don’t need to explain oh this isgluten-free and this is dairy-free it’sjust delicious you know it’s justdelicious German chocolate pecan piepaleo style okay see you next time withanother Thanksgiving recipe[Music]

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