Pies Recipes


Lime, cream and a buttery biscuit base -this no bake & eggless treat makes a refreshing and indulgent end to a meal.

This Classic Lime Pie features an easy homemade biscuit crust, a smooth and creamy lime pie filling. The perfect dessert!

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for my home made recipe for condensed milk click here

for my older recipe of lemon pie click here


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Video Transcription

so today we’re going to be making these
very easy and delicious lemon pie bars
the ingredients are very few and easily
available so we’re gonna be meeting
about two cups of crushed clean biscuits
you can use Mari biscuits graham
crackers one cup of melted butter 200
milliliters of condensed milk 250
milliliters of fresh cream and 1/4 cup
of lemon juice so let’s begin making
this amazing lemon pie bars now I’m
going to start by first taking a cake
tin which has a removable base 8 by 8
and I’m going to apply some butter and
then I’m going to apply early some
butter paper or parchment paper and be
sure that the sides of the pan also are
very well lined with the paper this is
going to help in creating a nice lemon
pie with a good biscuit base now the
next thing is to take about twenty to
twenty-five or thirty Mari biscuits or
graham crackers enough to give you two
cups of this horse mixture now what
we’re gonna do is taking a rolling pin
and we’re gonna cook these biscuits in a
ziplock bag or any plastic bag and seal
the bag or close the bag and then just
give it a good beat and then you can
also roll over it but we want a very
coarse space you can put it in the mixer
but you know it’s done like this and the
base really looks really good and so you
know traditional and authentic so after
you’ve done that we are going to empty
all of this into a bowl
and now do this we’re going to add so
this is how it looks absolutely nicely
giving it a good beat up and now to this
we’re gonna add the butter and we’re
gonna mix everything well together until
it resembles some wet sand if you take
some in your hand you know you’ll be
able to actually hold on all the sand
and butter mixture and now we’re gonna
put all of this into our lined baking
tray and we’re gonna give it a nice pat
down and see that it’s firmly packed
into the tray and then we’re gonna
freeze this into a freezer for at least
one hour or even longer now in the
meantime you can squeeze two large
lemons or limes enough to give you 1/4
cup of lime juice so this is a lemon pie
so we really need to have the amazing
lemon flavor and along with it you also
get this lovely pane lemon color a very
natural color coming from this lemon
juice if you want to make it more tangy
you can go ahead and add a little more
or if you want it less tangy then add a
little less it all depends on how you
like your lemon pie I like just exactly
the juice of two large lemons or 1/4 cup
is enough and now it’s time to beat the
cream so we’re going to pour the cream
into a large pool and using a hand mixer
a stand up mixing or electric mixer like
this one you just gotta beat this till
it’s nice and light and fluffy so I beat
this for about at least 8 to 10 minutes
till it was really nice and fluffy and
light now to this we’re going to be
adding the condensed milk I have a
recipe for homemade condensed milk I’ll
leave the link below you can go and
check it out but today I’m using
store-bought and I’m going to be adding
the lemon juice
and we’re gonna give all of this a nice
whisk using a spatula and then you can
see that it has a very nice and pale
lemon color now I like this color but if
you want to go ahead and add a little
bit of lemon color that is Jade gel food
colour then you can go ahead and add it
if you want to get a little more
brighter yellow but somehow I like this
very pale and natural lemon color or
yellow color so you can add whatever
color you want and now you can see that
our biscuit base is nice and set and
firm and now all we have to do is add
this lovely creamy mixture to the
biscuit base and then try to get all of
that inside it’s so delicious in fact we
can just freeze it in a container and
you know you get some lovely lemon ice
cream and then taking was taking a
spatula or a knife you can just you know
even it out so that it looks really good
you can give it a crack down and then
just using you know a knife or anything
which will just give you a nice leveling
you can just live in the top so it looks
nice and pretty you can even leave it as
it is you know give it some swirls you
can do anything you like with it be
creative and then comes the very
difficult part of waiting so you’re
gonna freeze this for the minimum of one
to two hours or as long as you can
freeze it even overnight it will do and
then after waiting patiently and see
that it’s all set and it’s so delicious
and you can see that it’s got a lovely
biscuit layer and cream layer you can
take a knife and then just you know go
ahead and smoothen it up again to give
it a nice finish or you could leave it
as authentic as this and then just cut
it up into long bars you can
and go ahead and cut it up into smaller
squares it’s all up to you and then what
I like to do is whatever crumbs are
remaining in my baking tree I just like
to put it as a garnish on the top that
gives it a very rustic and lovely look
and there it is friends and a very
important tip is you can freeze this and
refrigerate it till you’re ready just
serve it to your guests or you ready to
give it to your family and loved ones so
you want to eat it all by yourself
so it remains the best when it’s frozen
or refrigerated and you know when you’re
just ready to eat it you just take it
out and have a big bite this is my kids
Iran audience favorite dessert it
doesn’t even last for an hour it’s all
over it’s like they when they see the
mama has made lemon pie or lemon bars
they finish it in less than an hour I’m
telling your friends it’s so so
delicious that even you are gonna just
love it and want to make it all the time
so I hope you liked today’s recipe if
you want to keep it as a pie and don’t
it up you can do that too
so do try out this recipe and let me
know in the comments box below as to how
you like this recipe do leave this video
a thumbs up that way I will know that
you liked my video and that you won’t be
watching me to show y’all some more
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you have done that don’t forget to hit
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so do visit my channel guys to spread
the word with family and friends and
thanks for watching my video thanks for
stopping by if you’re new on my channel
welcome to my channel and I hope you
stick around so I’ll sign off here and
I’ll catch you in my next video have a
great day guys bye

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