Cookies Recipes

How to make EASY and HEALTHY cookies that taste AMAZING | Cooking with Kristen (and Ashley)

How to make healthy and easy cookies! THIS IS MY FIRST OFFICIAL COOKING WITH KRISTEN. For the longest time, whenever I cook with friends I joke around and say “Cooking with Kristen!” But I finally made a video!
These cookies are one of the best I’ve ever had. seriously. I had like 5 of them hahaha. Hope you try it out 🙂 let me know if you do

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Thank you to Pick Up Limes for this amazing cookie recipe!

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Video Transcription

this is our first cooking with Kristinlike actually well this is bacon heyguys what’s up it’s Kristen and todayit’s gonna be a cooking with Kristen andAshley guess what we’re making we’regonna be making cookies what are theycalled peanut butter and chocolateoatmeal cookies I’ve had them before wemade them well she made them on SuperBowl yeah and then they were so goodsome we’re gonna be making them todayI’m excited and we’re gonna show you howwe do it we got some bananas I got thefirst step the first step is to mush thebananas – bananas and I already did thatlet me switch my but you know these onesare like they’re so easy to smash if youget the ones that are like really likereally like me no no oh that’s overright if you get the ones that are it’slike newer what’s the word I don’t knowbut the green ones the greener thebananas are harder to mush what’s thenext step revolutionist so the next stephow many bananas should you have sowe’re gonna get 1/3 cup when you’re donepushing the bananas oh my god yeah thispeanut butter is struggling to get outit’s at the bottom I know that couldclear your sinuses well you know whatI’m gonna zoom in a little bit if that’sokay with you guyswe’re closer now hi we’re connectedNo yeah can I look that hold on it youknow that was barely anything it doesn’tstick now I’m gonna reach on in therereach on in there and grab I just wantto eat it now the banana thing like dopeople mashed banana see how babies dothey do it for babies you have anymoreyou knowyeah I do I don’t think it’s Lauerenough for them to catch it one time Igot copyrighted for a song playing inthe background of a chair competition Iwas like oh well I do drip in okay sowhat do I dooh just leave it in my here can I get aspoon yes I will give this can we allconnect these tickets booked a kissthings ah it’s good enough yeah that’sfine[Music]so now we’re gonna oh we’re gonna put inour last in a wet ingredient would yawet ingredients so the last wetingredient we’re gonna put in I need tomix this up with the spoon you have aspoon in the fork in there is the purevanilla extract I think it has to bepure and not imitation oh my gosh thelady just said oh oh I had to shout outthat girl there’s this youtuber who I’mgetting this recipe off of my name ispick-up lines that’s not her name that’sfew of their channel pick-up lines yeahshe does a lot of vegan recipes andstuff so yeah I got this recipe from herso one half of a teaspoon TSB tsp sorrybfbright in there like that little boomright in there so now it’s time here youdo it this is some more time to shinemix thatI don’t have two trays to bake this is agood snack what if you made this has aspread on toast new invention oh my godI’m gonna do it are you gonna put thepure vanilla extract in the halfteaspoon and now for me it’s on to thedry ingredients which looks great lotsof vanilla it’s gonna be like vanillaice cream guys I’m gonna put theshredded coconut first and then thechocolate or peanut butter and then lastwe’re gonna put the oats okay okay sothe coconut first which is twotablespoonsI love roll off stuff so like reallylike raw cookie dough my yeah whichso eases you know I put this in icecream if you warmed it up yo that wouldbe so good so your turn for the coconutflakes so but you do two tablespoonswhich is TBSwait no T as I can’t be exercising GVSUoh my god I got all the letters wrongtsps I just kind of this is suppose likethe PCOS yeah POC as I said um this islike when I spread the chocolate I justkind of to eyeball thatoh yeah I just put mostly you know youknow and then what when they’re donelike being made into dough I put morechocolate on top and mix it both yeahlook how good oh this looks like whenit’s hard it looks like cookie doughkind of low key light so I kind of wantto eat it when I see it in cookie tornwhen its shape and carry so I’m gonnaput my oats in now and I’m going to usehalf of this half of my blended oats[Applause]how much was in this is how I’meyeballing it it’s okay now it’ssomething it looks like oh let me stopthis is gross one don’t say it it’sbetter to this was our first cookingwith Kristin like actually well this isbaking it’s still doable and then inparenthesis baking okay with k-dog hiBobbycome look we have a production going onso I am dumb we mixed it all up that’sall the ingredientsAshley dad says hi I’m just doing mypartthe disrespect I mean it’s only injuriesalright okay I want a little bit yeah[Music]can you tell mom I’m going out tonightwith Kristin and our friends that’s thefirst time I got this Kyra was just likesitting there Wong’s baking she was likethere’s so many in here you know you’remy favorite dad wow thank youI told you she said that just for that Ido metal without me metal for what whatare you doing attempting to reset itlike so we got to wash our hands now youready we go to our room no we’re gonnabe handling some dough it can be as bigas you want and you know these don’tspread so you can put them closertogether are we gonna have enough spaceno not for all of these oh my gosh I getto lick my finger that’s your halfthat’s my halfso under yeahyeah it’s just time to put it in theoven we have to preheat yeah we do I waslike that’s why I was like oh we shouldwhat do we preheat the oven to preheatthe oven to 350 350 tree city it’s timeto put in the oven hey Siri set thetimer for 10 minutes please your timeris set for 10 minutes so the timer wentoff so we’re gonna check on the cookies[Music]wow it’s really dumb yeah so that wasour video cooking with Kristen andAshley I hope you enjoyed follow her onher channel and stuff to mind like ifyou liked it you want to see more videosand comment down below if you likecooking videos yeah yeah okay I’ll seeyou guys in the next video[Music]

16 Replies to “How to make EASY and HEALTHY cookies that taste AMAZING | Cooking with Kristen (and Ashley)

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