bake cookies with me! [aesthetic + relaxing]
so I’ve been rlly bored during quarantine so I’ve been baking quite a lot to ease that boredom. I was inspired by tasty’s video what I eat in a day bcuz it was super aesthetic and so therapeutic so I couldn’t welp but try to do something similar.
thx for watching!
instagram and tiktok: vicsic_vlogs
comment what you’ve been doing this quarantine!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so during this quarantine we’ve all beendoing things that we never thought ofdoing or never had the time to do beforewhether it’s cutting your hair cuttingyour bangs tightening up your spacestarting to journal or procrastinatingwhile doing online school and wasting 30minutes playing solitaire on yourChromebook obviously not a true story orbased on any life events we’ve all hadmore time than ever on our hands to dowhatever we want so what I beginninginto recently is baking baking isextremely fun and not to mentionextraordinarily delicious and it’ssomething that I previously had zeroexperience in so I have to inspire twofrom one of my baking experiences andshare it with you guys hope you enjoy sothis is the recipe I used it is from thewebsite ambitious kitchen I put the linkin the description if you guys want totry baking it anyways let’s get tobaking[Music]first I started out with some flaxseedmeal which is basically a substitute foregg[Music]then I put it in the freezer so he couldgel up for about 10 minutesI poured in the flaxseed / egg and alsothe peanut butterafter that I put in the maple syrupbaking powder almond flour and vanillaextract[Music]you[Music]I put the mixture into the freezer tochill and preheated the oven to 350degrees Fahrenheitit’s a tablespoon that I will use toscoop and make my potato ballsyouyouso first I started out with scoopingjust the plain cookie dough because Iwas trying to make a specific type ofcookie which you will see you laterthen I added n chocolate chips for theclassic chocolate chip cookie the restof the cookies would have chocolatechips[Music]I baked that for about 20 minutes or soand tested the dough with the toothpickto see if it had baked thoroughly enoughI don’t know if this method works forcookies but it does seem to work forcakesit smells like have beenfinally after 20 minutes of anxiouswaiting the cookies were done and theysmelled absolutely amazing so here iswhen the cookies with only plain cookiedough came into play I was trying tomake these thumbprint cookies as you cansee in the picture you can add chocolatejam or of any flavor or basicallyanything you want in the middle I preferto add chocolate so I melted it andadded the filling into a little divot Imade in the cookie[Music]you[Music]why to be[Music][Music][Music]and that is the video I was inspired bytasties what I eat in a day which isfrom by I think Alvin which was superaesthetic and the angles were just likemmm and now that I film this video Ihave a lot more appreciation for tastyand other BuzzFeed like youtubers whofilmed those like really nice angles andI tried really hard to replicate thoseif you guys can tell but I think Ididn’t do quite as well of a job astasties producers did obviously becausethey’re their videos are super welledited superbomb filmed and I really dolook up to them as an inspiration whichis kind of weird because tasty is like aprofessional business and I’m like mebut you know I hope that one day I cantry to achieve those bangles and thattype of fast rapid editing so I hope youguys enjoy this video and if you guysdid comment down below if you guys likedthese kinds of like baked with me ordoing things with me during quarantineif you guys do don’t forget to like andsubscribe and also my cat’s right hereyou guys couldn’t know this she’s juststaring out the window and contemplatinglife alright and I hope you guys enjoyedthis video and don’t forget to tune inand next Thursday and Saturday when Iwill post right anyways thank you guysso much for watching don’t forget tosubscribe like and comment and I postevery Thursday and Saturday so staytuned