Cookies Recipes

How to make Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

This is one of my go to pastries, I hope u enjoyed! Make sure to comment what you want me to do next! 💜

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hey guys welcome to my baby Channel
today I’m going to be showing you how to
make chocolate crinkle cookies the
perfect thing is either
let’s get right into it for this recipe
you will need all-purpose flour a
hundred percent cocoa powder baking
powder salt unsalted butter granulated
sugar vanilla extract eggs and powdered
sugar some of the materials you will
need are a whisk a spatula tablespoon
measure a sifter measuring cups and a
handheld mixer ok so first things first
we have to add in a cup and two thirds
of all-purpose flour
so this is one cup this is a third we’re
going to add in one more third of 100%
cocoa powder and sift it so that it’s
not as coarse so we’re just going to add
that in and slowly tap with your wrist
and then look at that
it’s covering the flour perfectly so
thanks to the magic of editing we are
now moving on to baking powder and salt
we are finished with all the 15 so you
can feel free to put your sister’s away
so now we have a teaspoon of baking
powder and half a teaspoon of baking
powder and then we’re just gonna go in
with the fourth teaspoon of salt no more
than 1/4 of a teaspoon or it’s gonna
taste really salty so this is what your
mixture should look like just make sure
to whisk it really well so that you can
combine all of the flavors so now I’m
moving on to the white ingredients we
have some softened butter here half a
cup unsalted and we’re just going to add
that into our bowl and we’re going to
in a cup and 1/4 of granulated sugar so
now we have to cream it together so
we’re gonna use a handheld mixer and put
it at medium speed for about 3 to 5
minutes this is how you cream it we’re
gonna put it about one to two clicks
above where it’s starting and hold it
for about 30 minutes so this is what
we’re going to do with the eggs so we’re
just gonna hit it against a countertop
let’s crack it we have to mix it one at
a time so that it’s not you know bad so
here we go with the mixing we’re just
gonna blend it together for about 30
here we go with our second egg I’m just
gonna hit it again crack it always make
sure to have a trash can nearby so
you’re not you know looking for one all
the time we’re also going to add in half
a teaspoon of vanilla extract and then
we’re just gonna blend that again for
about 30 seconds so here we go mixing it
again for about thirty more seconds here
comes the fun part now we’re going to
combine our two mixtures together
so we’re going to mix it for about two
minutes to be precise on medium speed
so now we’re just gonna add in the rest
so now we’re just going to sift our
powdered sugar into this tiny bowl so
that it’s easy to roll the dough into
here just like I said softly tapping it
and it should look like you know a
little flurry so our mixture should look
something like this
so now we’re just going to scrape down
the sides with our handy dandy spatula
and just get all the dry powder into the
Wow we’re going to roll our cookie dough
into the powdered sugar I put around
half a cup but you can put in as much as
needed so now we’re just going to scrape
a spoonful of dough and roll it into the
powdered sugar and then we’re going to
place it here on our parchment paper
this is the reason why I like making
these so much because it’s really like
making a snowball toast
so now we’re just going to roll it s-so
and it should be really sticky so that
it’s easy for it to get powdered sugar
all over it so this recipe made 13
cookies they’re going to go in the oven
at 350 degrees for only 10 minutes so
this should be your end result I hope
you guys enjoy them I

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