Bread Recipes

Raisin Bread (by Hand): Easy step by step guide for beginners (DETAILED) )

How can I make bread without expensive tools such as a stand mixer, bread machine or even hand mixer? How do I knead the dough with my hand? How do I know my bread is well kneaded? How do I know when my bread is properly proofed? How do I prevent my bread from coming out flat? All these questions and more are addressed with this video.

I felt it was just appropriate for me to show you how to make bread with hand since I have “how to make bread with a hand mixer and stand mixer” already on my channel. Despite me having the hand mixer and stand mixer, I tend to go back to using my hand as it is therapeutic for me. I love to feel and see the magic that happens with bread making using my hand. And I will recommend that you actually practice with your hand as a beginner so that you will know what to look out for when using these machines in future (if you choose to) because there is more probability of over kneading your bread with a mixer than mixing by hand. Enough writing, let’s get to work (all smiles…)

Full Ingredients List

Bread flour 500g (100%)
Liquid 250g (50%)
Yeast 8.5g (1.7%) ~ 1tablespoon (NB: I PREFER using Tablespoon here instead of metric weight because weighing scale can be inaccurate when measuring such little quantity).
Sugar 75g (15%)
Egg 75g (13%) ~2large eggs…
Butter 84g (16.8%) ~6tablespoon(if using a stick of butter)
Salt 6g (1.2%) ~1teaspoon (NB: I PREFER using teaspoon here instead of metric weight because weighing scale can be inaccurate when measuring such little quantity).
Raisins 50g (10%) NB: this can be increased or decreased if you want to
Total 1048.5g (207.7%)

Extra Notes:
1) Presoak your dry raisin in water for @least 30min. I usually do mine for the duration of the proofings. The soaking water should be at the same level as the raisins.
2) I decided to make this an ASMR type of video as it was therapy for me as well while i was making it. I hope the annotation is as clear as I hope for it to be (let me know in the comment section what you think of this style)
3) I added the baker’s % in case you will like to scale up or down on the quantity. if you are unfamiliar with how this works please view this video:

Bread Making on my channel:

Making Bread using a hand mixer:
Making Bread using a stand mixer:

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