Waffles Recipes

How to make EASY Confetti Waffles.

Hunter Fam makes confetti waffles on their new waffle iron.

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Video Transcription

so we’re gonna be licking some confettiwahooyou should run I am but I’m just herefor assistant so and my two sistersthat’s an ayah and that’s India and mymama sitting on the couch and nope so Ihope is done we have a lot of assistanceso let’s get started making his waffleso what do we have in here no and wejust add the coconut and we have somethat now go editing make sure you addevenly and on their side you good jobI can’t[Music][Music]that’s good good job now let’s close ityep close it up and okay it’s time youknow time to open it up no close it backI didn’t mean to I need to open itokay now let’s see if this ready goodwhat kept me oh yeah Alex please don’tgo almost over you that’s it oh yeah noI’ll be the whipped cream it will begood and I’m spending my all wet dreambecause I’m because my mom bought it forme okay I’m uh I might need syrup firstSam that’s enough now I’m adding mywhipped cream and make make sure youlike and subscribeOh byeyeah it’ll bring the world and

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