Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Gluten-Free Pancakes/Crêpes

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today I wanted to share one of myfavorite recipes something for glutenfree pancakes you’re going to need amixing jug you’re also going to needsome eggs one day we’re hoping to haveour own but for the moment I need to buythem some butter you’re going to needtapioca and almond flour vanilla extractthough this is optional and then a spoonand a fork first thing I’m going to mixtogether other flours I’m going to putfour spoons of almond flour and thenfour spoons of tapioca the tapiocabecause it’s quite starchy can stack upquite high so you need to be carefulthat you haven’t put way more than youhave almond flour and then I’m going tobe putting it in a stick of butterI don’t really measure all of these verymuch but I have put closer measurementson the blog I’m going to scrape outwhatever I can in the butter dish sinceI’m going to be cleaning this afterwardsand I don’t want to waste the butterwhile that’s melting I’m going to makethe flowers together and then I’m goingto put the butter in as well now I wantto get every single little piece of thisso once I’ve pulled the butter out I’mgoing to be putting the fork across themixing jug and then just popping thisdown so that everything that was insidecan drip out into the flour mixeverything thoroughly together now Ishould point out that you don’tnecessarily have to do this in the orderthat I do it but I noticed that if I putthe butter later it doesn’t mix as welland you end up with these little tinyglobules of butter just floating on topof everything else so I like to mix itin first with the flour then I add somevanilla extract I’ve really done a videoon how to make this yourself if you wantto I like my vanilla extract so I putquite a bit in there and after that’smixed together we’re going to go for XI’m going to put two eggs in that savingthose shells either to go in the compostbin or for various other uses I don’tchuck these there is a use that you canget out of them mix that together oncethat’s mixed we only need to put thelast ingredient which is some milk ifyou’re allergic to milk or you don’twant to drink it you can also substitutethis for plant-based milks it will workjust as well mix that all together andnow we can start making the pancakesshe’d also point out that if you don’tlike doing things by hand and you have ahand mixer or a food process that goahead and use thatI just quite like doing this by hand Ifind it quite therapeutic and afterthat’s all mixed together what I’m goingto do is take the pan wait for it to bea little warm not hot and I’m going totake the spatula put a tiny bit ofbutter on that and then butter up thewhole pan this is the easiest way thatI’ve found not to lose the first pancakebecause sometimes it sticks to the panand you can’t get it off without ruiningit so this way that doesn’t happen and Idon’t lose that first pancake if this isyour first time making pancakes andyou’re not sure when you’re going toflip it what you need to do is if you’retaking the spatula around the edges andit’s tearing then it’s not ready to flipbut if you see the edges starting tocurl and go brown then you can flip ityou can either do it the Italian way wejust flick it with your wrist and thewhole thing flips over every time I’vedone that it’s landed in my head so Idon’t do that now I just use the spatulaand then just keep making pancakes untilyou’ve used up all the butter theamounts that I’ve shown you today willmake about 6 pancakes you could probablystretch out to seven if you keep themreally thin but I made one or two ofthem a little bit thicker than I wouldnormally[Music]and that’s it you’re done and total itshould make about six or seven pancakesyou can either have this with sugar orhoney or maple syrup or bacon orwhatever you want that’s on top of itand I really like them and if you trythem I’m pretty sure you’ll like them aswelland as usual if you like my videos andwant to see more content feel free tofollow me on the mailing list do notsubscribe to me on youtube that way youget everything sent directly to youremail and I’ll have new video for yousoon[Music]

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