230g Cold Chopped Unsalted Butter
160g Caster Sugar
160g Light Brown Sugar
450g White Chocolate Chips
475g Plain Flour
25g Cocoa (we use a mix of regular and black cocoa)
1 tsp Salt
3 tsp Baking Powder
2 Eggs
1 Egg Yolk
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Red Food Colouring (paste food colouring not liquid)
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
mmm perfectly chewyall these are nice hi guys welcome backto a new video if you new here my nameis Anushka today we’re back for anothercookie video there are so many versionsof different like types of cookies outthere today we’re going to be doing ared velvet cookie a recipe that I’musing in this video is actually fromcupcake Gemma’s youtube channel I reallylove that channel it’s just sosatisfying its soothing it’s justthey’re abusing I don’t know I lovewatching her just bake and her team aswell so definitely recommend checkingout that channel and yeah I’ve alwayslike followed a lot of her recipes thisone’s definitely kind of like differentto my other cookie recipes and theingredients are little different as wellso I’m excited to see how this will turnout and how old tastes and also how oldlook cuz these are red velvet so yeahlet’s just jump straight into it maybeit’s easier if you guys see whatingredients you need for us so I’ve gotum half dark cocoa powder and half justnormal milk cocoa powder that youshouldn’t use in milkshakes because Ifind that the dog ones really strong andI don’t want like it when it’s reallystrong so I’ve got 4.5 grams of each andthen I’ve got 200 grams of whitechocolate the recipe says like over 400pounds but this is all I bought and thisis what I’m going to use but I’vechopped the Milky Bar into like smallerpieces so they’re evenly distributedyou’re obviously gonna need some redfood coloring this is food coloringpaste I then have two eggs and one eggyolk got 160 grams of soft light brownsugar 160 grams of caster sugar is 475grams of plain flour the recipe says weneed three teaspoons of baking powderbut I’ve only got this much so this iswhat I’m going to be using and obviouslyI’m going to need some salt and thenfinally 230 grams of softroom-temperature butter so you’re gonnaneed your whisk obviously um I don’thave a paddle whisk so I’m just gonna dowhat I have trying to make sure not toover mix the mixture so you’re gonnaneed it your butter first and we’re justgonna cream thissoften it up a little bit and now youwant to add in both your sugars thenwe’re gonna add in our white chocolatechips okay just put this it aside in aseparate Bowl we’re just gonna put ourflour our cocoa powder and our bakingpowder and we’re just gonna give this agood mix and then bring back our bowlhere I’m just gonna put our flour in Ikind of wish that I put the chocolatechips last I don’t know why like therecipe says to put them before butanyways these won’t open next time in aseparate bowl I’m just gonna mix in ouregg I actually got this really nicefancy vanilla extract and some hopingwill be nice so they say one tablespoona teaspoon of red food coloring which isway more concentrated by the way prettylike a bean size I’m just gonna whiskthis upthis is really read you and then can putthis in hereI have no idea you stain your hands I’mjust gonna use my hands to mix up thedough and the recipe does say to freezethese I really don’t think I’m gonna dothatI don’t first I don’t have space in myfreezer but if you do you can like storethese and then just cook them wheneveryou want I think I’m just gonna makethese now in the oven because I did itwith my Tanya burr cookies without putthem putting them in the fridge and itturned out pretty okay just trying toevenly mix this mixture now it’s inquite happy with our face bloody amazingI’m just gonna make these really bigchunky balls when I try and space themout as much as possiblein case they do spread out too muchbecause I didn’t freeze them that’s forthat five six seven eightso I made nine cookies they’re not equalsizes but we’ll see how these turn outso I’m gonna put these in the oven at180 degrees Celsius with a fan oven for14 to 15 minutesokay these are what the cookies looklike I’m just taking about the oven andthey look pretty good to me they don’tlook like exactly in you know Gemma’svideo and I think it would help to havethem in a freezer and I think next timeI do it I probably will to see thedifference but they seem to have kepttheir shape really well they’re reallyred this is definitely different so Iusually do see like the chocolate chipshere I’m just gonna let these cool downfor like thirty minutes or so beforetrying them so they can continue to likecook inside a little bit okay guys it’snow taste test time there is that closeup of my cookie obviously they don’tlook as pretty we need to do a breakthat’s super red I’m really happy withthe color of it it’s red all theconsistencies amazing got some morechocolate there they actually taste areally nice I’m gonna go enjoy it awhole one I have filmed so much todaylike it’s insane if I had to comparethese to the Tanya burr cookies that Itried I think I prefer the Tanya burrones way more because the taste isbetter I could actually stick to usingthe dark cocoa instead in this one aconsistency and the chewiness of theseis like amazing but the taste it’sreally nice but I preferred to Tanyaburr ones and I’m pretty sure everyonewill love these in the house I needed itlooked really good they taste yummy butthe time you buy one tastes even yummierI think I would write these like an 8out 10 personally but they’re stillreally good and I just want to go andlike eat one and watch my Netflix now ohyeah I’m gonna go guys the kitchen isbeing wanted people want to use thekitchen and I’ve used it all day so Ihope you guys enjoyed this little bakingvideo you do recreate these make sure totag me on Instagram I do want to seethem and do check out Gemma’s and recipein the info box and the video as welland subscribe if you haven’t alreadygive this video a like and then I willsee you in my next video I’m out ofbreath cooking my teeth perfectly chewythese are nice I’ll definitely try andfreeze them next time and I’ll put anupdate in the info box if I ever do