Cookies Recipes

make cookies with me

hello everybody ! welcome cook with me tuesday ! today I made some healthy cookies! they are very yummy !


1 ripe banana
2tbs cocao powder
4ish tbs sugar
1 to 2 cups of oats
some water

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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Video Transcription

hello everybody welcome to my youtubechannel so today I’m going to be makingbiscuit things okay so you start byturning on your oven then I get a verybright than I which we do not have thisis good enough one banana get oatsit’s a raw cacao powder so you start bygets a new bowl one time so you need toget a mushy thing where if you don’thave one of these then you can get forkand just mash up your banana I can’t[Music]then you get your geek hero powder alike is this called a desert speed thenyou get a dessert spoon and then get twoof these[Applause][Music]then you go and like mash it into it’slike the pasty consistency and here I’mgonna get some water because it can’tmash in so if you look this is how itlooks so it’s still like powder you addsome water like a teeny bit and then youjust mash it round like a paste can yousee a snow and ice is just the bananasand he came over then I add in the sugarare doing about these the dessert spoonthey mash again to like mix it so youlike so then once this is you mix themadd a tiny bit makers you taste it andit doesn’t taste nice you add a bit moreokay then you get your porridge oats thebowl like tick tick tick tick tick ticktick this is about a cup you just um doa bit and then add more until it’s likeall mixed in okay then when you thosetwo like this and you can touch any youask some more water because it needs tobe kind of like a dough[Music]like a hundred Celsius which is like Idon’t know how many finally then you getbut I learned the hard way of temporeyou do not used him for you it getsstuck and you’re going to move thecamera okay because you were actuallydoing and you get this and like separateit until I experienced it doesn’t matterhow big because you’re gonna match themnone but make them uneven the tops can’tbe even because otherwise they won’t gocrispy if you won’t do like chubby somush it down flat but make them intolike pancake kind of thickness and likethen broth from the top bits up cuz thenthat way it stops the top bit from likebeing all soggyI just like the burnt taste in mine sothen you do that with every single onethis makes about six I think zero yetabout this much I’m gonna make aflapjack in the middle which is I likemy flapjack bit okay so to make it flapJack you just like stand like flatlike as soon as possible then you openup and don’t get burn and then translateit and if it doesn’t slide in and youhave to like put it on a trayI made it oopsies I clean it up okay soI got them in the oven yay so I don’tactually know how long these take tocookI just keep checking on them they takeabout five minutes maybe ten and thenthey should go back hard if you don’tlet them how I went in there to becooktop only takes about three minutesso let’s go huh yeahokay though much you’ve joined up so youcan like do whatever for like fiveminutes but make sure you stay kind ofnear them because they take quite quickI’ve already had these before but I’mjust gonna do a taste test for the sakeof you take down your food could youalready hoping this hat then you justpick them up they don’t get that hotunless you leave them in there for likehalf an hour so this sort they likeMichel days he’s so nice so that was abit fluff from my heart that just felloff these go really nice with this stuffit’s called sweet freedom Chop Shopchocolate so then I just get the one ofthese pieces like Dippermmm you look so nicethanks for watching if you made thesethen please um tag me in your Instagrampost and or just DM it to me and then Ijust want to see what um sort ofcreatures you come up with so these willbe the recipe will be my Instagram whichwill be in the description box downbelow so thank you salt a little sothanks for watching please subscribe

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