Hey everyone!! Welcome back to my channel I hope your all doing really well! I’m today’s video I show you how to make the best chocolate chip cookies and I mean who doesn’t LOVE a good old chocolate chip cookie??!! This has to be one of my FAVORITE recipes!
The perfect, chewy chocolate chip cookies,
– 120g salted butter
– 120g caster sugar
– 120g light soft brown sugar
– 1 large egg
– 3tsp vanilla extract
– 250g self-raising flour
– 100g chocolate chunks/chips
1. Cream together the butter and both sugars until light and fluffy
2. Add in the vanilla extract and egg and mix together
3. Add the flour and salt into the mix and mix together until a dough has formed, then fold in the chocolate chips
4. Create small ball shapes (i usually weigh them 45g each) and place on a baking tray with grease proof paper, don’t forget to push them down before placing in the oven!!!!
5. Bake for 8 minutes until risen and golden brown, when you take them out they will seem very raw and not cooked… but trust me wait for them to cool and they will firm up! (180 degrees, 160 fan, gas 4)
6. Enjoy 🙂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everyone welcome back to bake I hopeyou’re doing really well so today I’mcoming at you with such a high restedvideo I’m showing you how to make mychocolate chip cookies and these arehonestly the best cookies you will everhave like they are so good they’re superchewy and yummy so I’m going to show youhow to make them today if you haven’talready I’d love it if you could smashthat subscribe button and give thisvideo a big thumbs up and don’t forgetto also check me out on Instagram thatmakes underscore where you can keep onmy baking journey but without furtheradieu and let’s just get into itto make the cookies you will need 120grams of caster sugar 120 grams of lightbrown sugar 100 grams of chocolatechunks 120 grams the soft salted butter3 teaspoons of vanilla extract 1 largeegg and 250 grams of self-raising flourall of the measurements and ingredientswill also be listed in the descriptionbelowok so the first thing we want to do isto our butter and to ouras well as our light brown soft sugarand our castor sugar and then we’re justgoing to cream this togethernow that I came together my bottle onsugars I’m going to add in my opinonextract and my egg and then we’re justgoing to mix this together untileverything is really well combined[Music]now that my egg has been wellincorporated I’m just gonna take my bowloff my dumb ass on this one second I bythe way I’m just gonna scrape all of themixture down from the sides just to makesure everything gets well incorporatedand then we’re going to add in our flourand then just put this back on until itforms a dough flour has been it in andit’s form a really nice little die nowthis is where we want to add in ourchocolate chunksI’m personally using dark chocolate butI mean you can also use milk and whitechocolate but I think dr. bright bestBobby sitting up to you so I’m gonna hitthese in and then I’m just gonna havemix this togetherand then you have it if easy that thisis our finished biscuit dough now I’vegot my finished biscuit dough I’m Rachelobviously put them into little balls andthen bake them so I like to wait Marchabout 45 grams I throw that just givesyou the perfect cooking each shape whatwe see it’s up to you and when my ownbecause I’m a perfectionist and makesure when you’re doing this you needsand lots of space as a boob spread andonce she like put them on the bakingtray by cutting down a little bit justthey can spread out easier[Music]so my biscuits are ready to be made andI just want to point this out againrhythmically make sure you spread themout and flatten them on top a little bitso you want to bake them for about 10minutes I’ll leave the othertemperatures head and after 10 minutesthey are not going to steam done howeverI just take them out the oven trust meon this one and then what she things arecool they’re really firm up and becomeall nice and chewyso yeah just trust me on this one bakethem for 10 minutes all they need andbecause we can use self raising flourwhen they’re in the oven they will sinkreally risen but once they come out ofthe oven they’re flat back down againand they come up just like these girlsokay guys so my cookies are out of theoven it’s been 10 minutes they do notseem done at all like when I sort oftouch them they’re super soft and raw soI’m gonna bother transference my coolingrack yeah I’m literally just going toleave them a tooth Bernhardt[Music][Music]so here are the finished package you cansee how they flattened a lot more andthat I found are they look absolutelybrilliant and let’s go on and try one sothey’re like really like crispy on theoutside then in the middle they’re likesuper soft and gooey they’re just sogood and there we have it we have cameto the end of the video and that’s howyou make my super easy and deliciouschocolate chip cookies if you’ve enjoyedthis video I would love it if you couldhit that subscribe button and give thisvideo a thumbs up and if you decide tomake it yourself I would love to seeyour creations so I’m tag me onInstagram that makes underscore becauseI would absolutely love to see them andyeah thank you for watching[Music]