Bread Recipes

Learn how to bake banana bread at home

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now we’re going to head into the kitchenyou’re gonna want to watch this EagleNews correspondent Kathleen coos she’sgonna take off her journalists hat she’sputting the chef’s hat on now she’s gota recipe you’re gonna go bananas overeveryone I’m capping us and I hopeeveryone staying safe and happy and ifyou’ve been staying home and you havenothing else to do today I am going toteach you how to me and not a brag ifyou have tons of overripe bananas thatyou don’t feel like eating at all wellthis is your time you can make your ownchocolate pecan the not afraid at homeand that’s what I’m going to tell youabout okay everyone so everything that Ialready have prepared here all you haveto do is basically mix everything greatso we’re going to start off with weddingwe get 1/4 cup of the oil[Music]you have to hold the add 1 cup of sugaror I’m using 1 cup cup here[Music]and thenthe salt and the baking soda so easynext isbananasso before I wanted to mix everythingtogether you wanted to pre-heat youroven at 350 degrees I’m using dark andthen chia seed sure you don’t want thethe texture of chia seed um I wouldrecommend putting it in[Music]let’s get so in making a cake or bananabread you don’t Oakland over mixing sothat’s as much as I wanted it mix so asyou can see I don’t really do a lot ofmixing right it’s so easy you can evenmake this in five minutes so we’re gonnado we’re gonna grab our pan just pour itin[Music]so the secret for a moist banana bread Iwould say that you shouldn’t be overmixing any of your batter you want tohave a good quality of flour so usuallyif you’re wanting to make cakes orany piece of sweets or anything you wantto use as much as possible ain’t paintflowers very happy this is already in abatter and I am just going to wait untilthe poppin is ready so that’s what we’regoing to do and for the meantime whatI’m going to do is I’m going to put mytopics so what do I have on my topic soright there put some pecans brown sugarand more of the chocolate and a littlebit of cinnamon[Music]so yeah that’s it guys I hope you likedthis video and I was able to share youone of my favorite recipes of the bananabread and super moist but the kids canlove everyone could love you can alsomixing magic with different toppingsthat you’d like as as you’ve seen I alsoadded little bit of chia seeds in thereyeahmy name is staffing truth and forest theloads and interesting times like

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