Learn how to make banana bread. This is the beginning to somewhat of a series. This series thing is about how to bake delicious food and/or desserts.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys so todayin this video we are going to be doingsome baking now soi just wanted to tell you guys that wegot inspiredby a channel named manitowocminute it’s a really cool channel andone of the uh the guy has likeseries on there and like a segment of itis quarantined kitchen so we thought whynot make our own little segmentso that’s where we got this idea fromand sooh yes i have a special guest my momum if you watched the look what i foundvideoi have mentioned her behind the camerashe’s kind of like my camera person so ijusti decided i would throw in this videothat throw you in the videoso some of you may be receiving some ofthe school meals which is fabulousand they always send you nice deliciousfruitsand we’ve gotten a lot of their fruitsand we have a lot leftover and we don’t want it to go bad sowe decidedwe would make other things with itso with the cranberries we’ve madecranberry cookieswith white chocolate chips today we’regoing to use up some of our bananas thatare goingbad they’ve reached the peak of theirripeningand so we’re going to make banana breadfor you guys and show you how so if youhave some bananas at home that need tobeused up this is a good way to do it souse those bananas[Music]so um i’m going towe’re going to be switching out rollsdoing the camera so we could show youguys all of thisyeah we’ve got everything set up herefor you guys first thing you want to dois wash your hands very very importantwe’ve already washed ours during thistime we always want to make surewe are preparing our food with niceclean hands second you want topreheat your oven to 350 degrees we’vealready done thatokay secondly you want to prepare an 8x4loaf pan um that’s why i’m helping rubyherebecause she doesn’t know where mom keepsall this stuff sono we’ve measured everything out andwe’re ready to goso first you want to start out with twoto three ripe bananas mash them upvery good and put them in a bowli’m going to grab the camera reallyquick so whoa i just feltno worries all right so now we can seeall of thiswe’ve prepared all the ingredients foryou guys here’s the mashed bananasvery nice my mom took the camera now sohere’s our mashed bananasand after we have our mashed bananasyou’re gonna stirin one third cupof melted butter so we pre rightinto the bananas he did this ahead oftimejust in preparation to show you guysagain we did this allahead okay so this video won’t take fivehoursonce you add that you stir it upruby you can use that spatula rightthere oh this one okayso next after you stir thatup then we’re gonna mix in one teaspoonof baking sodaright into the same bowl i will swap thecupokay now mix that upi feel like we should add music herethenwe’re going to do just a pinch of saltoops yeah i got itpour this yepwe had like the grinder salt so wegrinded it ahead of timebut you guys can use whatever salt youhaveperfect that is plenty let’s go just putit in the sink therethere we go okay mix in your pinch ofsaltthen while she’s stirring i’m just goingto adda half a cup of sugarthen when she gets that all mixed inwe have one large egg here lightlybeaten see it’s already beatenwe’re going to add that intojust a side note you want to make sureyou get this stirredreally well because if it’s not stirredtoo wellit’s gonna end up with like maybe abunch of lumps and air bubbles and allthat stuff soand one other thing you should probablywatch this video before you start bakingbecausei know some people out there might umbake while they’re watching the videobut i would suggest youum wait in case we forget anythingso you’ll get the full ingredients firstand not forget anythinggood point so then after that we’regonna addone teaspoon of vanilla extract go aheadand dump that in there rubystir that up real good now finallywe are going to add our flour butwe’re going to add it in small amountsotherwiseit’s very difficult to stir so i’ll justdump in a little bit at a timelook at that beautiful the keyingredient to making the bread breadokay i’m gonna add a little bit moreduring this part you want to really makesure you get the sides because if youdon’t get the sidesum there’ll just be leftover powder thatyou didn’t use and this is startthis is where it starts to get clumpedup yeahit gets a little thick so you gotta justgive it some muscle therenot too much i’m gonna fling stuff outof the bowlokay i’m gonna dump the rest in thereand then i’m gonna hand you guys over toruby’s so she can film and i will giveitsome good mom muscle here oh gosh myarm’s tiredand by the way i have flung powdereverywhere yeah anywayit’s a sign of a good baker messykitchendoo doothat’s why i use a spatula to stir up mybatterlook at thatand you know what i’m gonna add insome chopped walnuts this part isoptional we just decided to add somewalnuts in therejust for like some textureit could be a banana nut and now whenyou start to see it clumping up that’sthe sign that you’re almostdone mixing okay next step we’re gonnaadd it to our panthis is about the um texture you wantso now we just have this little pan umwe already sprayed it right yes here’sour prepared loaf panwe’ve taken some baking spray withpowderand sprayed our pan evenlycorrect now we’re going to add thisbatter into our panwell it smells good already i wish therewas smell through the camera because itsmells amazingnow it may not look like there’s a lotin here right now but the bread willriseso you don’t want to make it till it’sfull to the topbecause then it’ll be coming like thishigh over yourpanokay just about there okayso now you have your batter in your panand you just want to take itshake it out a little bit and thentap it on the counter a few times to getthe air bubbles outnow we’re ready to put it in the ovenwhoathis part you need adult supervision ifyou are a kidso uh i can’t do this myselfso that’s why i brought this girl alongokay now very importantremember to set your timer you could putthis in the oven for 50minutes to one hour we’re going to do 55i like to cut it right in the middleso we’re going to set our timer1000 minutes no no nowe’re gonna go oh boywhat have we done i know okay there wego there we gothis is going to take a while isn’t ityou can also just ask your alexa orgoogle to set a timer for 55 minutesif you have one if not that’s okaythere we gotimer is set okay and there you have itkiddosand i just want to give a great bigshout out to all of ourkitchen staff at our uh elementarymiddle school and high schoolthey’re doing a fantastic job ofpreparing all these meals for our kiddosto make sure that they do not go hungryso thank you ladies you’re doing anawesome joball right i hope you guys enjoyedtoday’s videoi’ll see you in another one bye