Bread Recipes

How To Make Cubanos with Homemade Cuban Bread

Cuban sandwiches A.K.A Cubanos are the chefs (and not just the movie) ultimate sandwich of choice. It is a cultural symbol of food that resonates with the heart of any foodie. We’re taking this one to the next level with homemade cuban bread and an intensified mojo pork.

My Cast Iron Pan:

Tik Tok:
Ingredients you’ll need:
Cuban bread-
1.25 cups (295ml water
1 tablespoon instant yeast (10g)
3 1/2 (500g) cups ap flour
1 tablespoon sugar (13g)
2 teaspoons salt (5g)
1.5 tbsp lard (30g)

Mojo Braised Pork-
4-5 lb Pork shoulder or boston butt
(Make a large batch of mojo sauce, separate out one cup for serving and use the rest for marinade)
2 heads garlic worth garlic cloves
2 shallots
Zest of 2 oranges
Zest of 3 limes
2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves
1/2 bunch of fresh mint leaves
1 tablespoon(5g) fresh ground cumin
2 whole Serrano chilies
1 cup olive oil
1 cup(240ml) fresh lime juice or seville orange juice
1 cup (240ml) fresh orange juice
1.5 tablespoon (26g) kosher salt

Cuban bread sliced in half
braised pork
boiled ham, seared
Dill pickles
yellow Mustard
Swiss cheese

Original of the video here

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now you may be thinking Josh we don’tneed a whole video just for a sandwichwhoa whoa whoa just a sandwich this is acultural work of art but also yeah[Music]we’ve been to do the humble Cubano nowwith a lot of people have requested thisobviously a lot of you guys know it fromthe movie chef where my favorite moviesof all time there’s a lot of specificsthat make this sandwich special it’s notjust a sandwich there’s a whole lot ofstuff that goes into making it and it’sreally kind of supposed to have aspecific outcome granted there arethings that people play with and all thepurists that are watching this areprobably going to take a fad becausethey’re like oh you did this wrong and Ijust don’t care because to me thistasted very close to what is correct andit was very delicious and I sort of madeit my way but with respect to theculture so with that said let’s makethis shall we first thing we need totalk about is our Moho pork you need abig thick three to four pound bonelesspork shoulder except for the fact that Ididn’t look at the sign and it wasmisleading and actually was not bonelessand I had to debone it myself yeah don’tdo thatnot to a blender you’re gonna add twopeeled shallots 2 heads worth of garliccloves like 15 close the zest of twooranges in the zest of 3 limes 2tablespoons of fresh oregano leaves 1/2a bunch of fresh mint leaves 1tablespoon or 5 grams of fresh groundcumin 2 whole serrano chiles 1 cup or240 milliliters of olive oil we don’thave tablespoons or 26 grams of koshersaltand lastly 1 cup or 240 milliliters eachof lime juice and orange juice so 2 cupstotal put a little on your spinny cuttything and blend it on high speed untilcompletely smooth and nice looking likethis now this is your mohawk marinadeseparate out one cup and place it in thefridge you can use that for lots ofstuff and we’re also gonna use it forthe sandwich later now the rest of yourMoho you’re gonna pour over your porkinto a plastic bag seal it nicely andlet it marinate in the fridge overnightmake sure that there’s no leaks or yougonna have a bad time let’s talk Cubanbread finding the good stuff can berather hard so we’re gonna make our ownstart off by mixing 1 and 1/4 cup or 295milliliters of warm water around 100degrees Fahrenheit with 1 tablespoon or10 grams of active dry yeast give alittle Mixy Mixy and let that sit forabout 8 minutes while that’s sittingyou’re gonna mix together three and ahalf cups or 500 grams of bread flouralong with 1 tablespoon or 13 grams ofgranulated sugar and 2 teaspoons or 5grams of fine sea salt whisk thattogether until thoroughly combined beginmixing on medium-low speed in a standmixer add in your warm yeast mixture letthat stir and knead until everything’sthoroughly combined and continue to mixfor about 3 to 5 minutes or until itbegins to turn smooth then Itwo and a half tablespoons are 30 gramsof solidified lard yes specificallylargest do it don’t be a widow baby andthen mix on low speed for about a minuteuntil combined and nice and smooth oilup a medium sized Bowl shape your doughinto a ball and place it into your bowlcover it with grease plastic wrap andlet that rise for 45 minutes to an houror until doubled degassed your dough bybackhanding it repeatedly just punch itdown yet dump it out onto a lightlyfloured work surface and divide it intotwo even pieces cover your dough with adamp towel and let it rest for about 10minutes just to relax little sleepeasily now take one of your segments ofdough and flatten it out so you getroughly a half inch thick rectangle andthen starting from the bottom closest toyou you’re gonna tightly roll it up fromthe bottom all the way up to the topdoing your best to close the seams onthe bottom and on the sides and thencarefully begin rolling it out whileapplying pressure outward to sort oftaper the ends and one thing abouttension is you can rub your fingersalong the length of the dough while alsokeeping contact with your board helptighten it up a little bit please havefinished log onto a parchment linedbaking sheet repeat with the second logand place it in the same baking sheet atleast four to five inches apart coverthat baking sheet with another bakingsheet and let that proof for about 30minutes at room temperatureto bake these lightly spray them withwater and then using a razor blade andscore shows seam along the entire lengthof the dough place it in an oven that’sbeen preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheitand underneath that you’re gonna add asmall pan of boiling watermake sure to spray the inside of theoven just a little bit we’re generatingsteam here close the oven and let thatsteam for 8 to 10 minutes reduce theheat to 375 remove your steaming pan andlet it bake for another 20 to 22 minutesor until you pull out too thick plumplightly browned Cuban breads make sureto let this cool down completely beforeyou use it I actually like to bake thisstuff a day or two ahead of time it’sokay if they’re soft because you’retoasting it anyway Wowfirst off big win my son that soundsreally good put it down put it down andnow it’s Cubano okay so back to ourmarinating porkcarefully remove your pork from themarinade place it into a 7-quart Dutchoven and then pour in all the marinadeinto the same pot with the pork cheekcome up around halfway and if it doesn’tyou can always add a little bit ofchicken stock to bring it there thenjust take that pot place it into an ovenset to 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 10minutes then immediately reduce thetemperature to 350 and let it cookturning occasionally to make sure allsides get browned or three tothree-and-a-half hours and you’ll end upwith this beautifully browned juicyincredibly tender piece of meat let thatcool a little bit in the bottom of thepot you have all that Moho that’sseparated from the fat I’ll admit itlooks a little bit like diarrhea butit’s caramelized almost confit in thefat take all those solids out pullingout as little fat as possible place theminto a bowl and you’ve got this sort oflike caramelized Moho sauce which willuse in a second and once your meat iscool enough to handle or you haveasbestos hands like I do or well maybenot turn it apart so that you burn yourhands a little bit because you thoughtit was cool but it’s actually not onceall your meat is shredded toss ittogether with all that caramelized Mohoseason it to taste of salt and there isyour pulled pork now we’re ready toassemble our sandwiches now before weassemble let’s talk about our condimentsfirst thing dill pickles get them wholeand slice them yourself I don’t want tosee any more little circles okay I wantlong boy slices like this makes moresense for a sandwich let’s be honestfellas first toast the inside of ourbread cut a piece of your Cuban bread toa desirable length slice that bad boy inhalf and butter the inside with softenedunsalted butter place that cut butteredside down into a cold pan set overmedium heat and let that bad-boy toastnow all that’s toasting you’re gonnaneed some good boiled ham and I boiledham I mean cooked not smoked but you canalso use some oak if you want add alittle bit of butter in the pan just tocoat the bottom set it to medium highheat and sear off at least 5 to 6 slicesof good ham get some good color on bothsides set it to the side keep that warmnow once your bread is nice and toastedlike this don’t over toast it okay it’sassembly time so get your two slicedtoasted breads down coat them bothgenerously with yellow mustard on thebottom slice should go on your picklesappropriately followed by your searedoff ham your roasted pork shoulder andtop with a generous amount of Swisscheese now look I like to get a littlebit of color on my cheese you cantotally torch it just to get thatmelting process done get somecaramelization and then top with the topof the bread now look this is the finaland most important piece with moresoftened unsalted butter generously coatboth the bottom and the top of yourbread I know this seems weird place itinto a cold pan set that over mediumheat and then place a preheatedheavy cast-iron pan on top of itemphasis on preheating the cast-iron panmake sure that it’s relatively hot notripping hot but hot and then just letthat press and toast and well the bottomis nice and golden flip it place the panback on and continue to press and seeher obviously you can do this in apanini press or a plancha I didn’t haveone so this is the way you do it withoutone next thing you know boom pop youpull this thin lean mean Cuban sand outof the pan and look it’s just sobeautiful and that is a Cuban sandwichbut of course we’ve got to taste it nowthis feels like a coupon note to me I’mpretty darn proud of it first of thesound this is lunch ed to perfection theexterior super crispy crunchy but thenthe insides nice and soft you have thatfatty melt your mouth pork the searedham it’s salty it’s piccoli it’smustardy and you’ve got the Swiss cheeseon top to bring it all together you knowsome might say Josh all that effort fora sandwich yes you will not have abetter sandwich in your life but do youwant no one else won’t have a bettersandwich in its life that doesn’t makesenseguys and that is it so we made cubanos agay Cuban sandwiches aka the CubansandwichCubano kibana can al cabbage Annawearing pajamas he wouldn’t say whichit’s a very simple thing it just takes alot of love and time and caring and hugsand kisses for the sandwich and foryourself at the end of this I gotta saydespite all the time that goes into justmaking a sandwich hey you have a lot ofleftover meat I have mine right here youcan put it on rice you can put it inanother sandwich you could put it inquesadillas there’s so many options withthe leftovers even just the finalproduct is so rewarding once it allcomes together and it’s such animperfect sandwich that that alone makesit worth it again thank you guys for thewonderful response of my merch there’sstill a couple items they’re stillavailable they’re dwindling but ifthey’re if there’s anything you want ifyou’re gonna want a hat or a shirt theapron is officially sold out but there’sstill a couple things left smallquantity there will be linked in thedescription but with all that said ifyou enjoyed this video or you learnedsomething leave a like subscribe and Iwill see you next time[Music][Applause][Applause][Music]

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