Cookies Recipes

Baking cookies!

How to bake 24 delicious cookies with a simple recipe, the results are yummy!

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Video Transcription

hey guys welcome back to my channeltoday we are going to be attempting tomake chocolate chewy cookies here arethese really Antonisfirst of all we need to measure out ouringredients next put 200 grams of sugar330 grams of brown sugar to tootle twospoonfuls of salt and 230 grams ofbutter then and then you mix it togetheruntil you have a paper then you put 2eggs and 2 teaspoonsof vanilla extract and then you mixuntil it’s nice and soft very finishedthen carefully 6 310 grams of flour intoa bowl finely and 400 grams of foodchunks and chocolate chips into the bowland farther in with a spatula now you’vedone the mix stress you put it in thefridge for half an hour now for theboring part cleaning the dishes whenyour mixture has been in the food forhalf an hour scoop up a bit on yourtrain Pat it down and do as many as youcan make sure that the oven is hotheated to 180 degrees and then put yourcookies in the oven for 12 to 15 minutesand this is the final product

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