we are not a professional chef
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys it’s me Yugi welcome back to myyoutube channel so for today’s video wewere making some waffles and I did few[Music][Music]dry ingredients so first is your 1tablespoon of baking powder no no yeahnext is young salt it’s like a pinch ofsalt on teaspoon of so yeah and thennext is your sugarthis is like a 1/2 cup of sugar no justno now you put the egg donor Dole 2 eggs[Music]next is your melted butter it’s like Ithink 1/2 cup one house captain not meltabout all it’s aboutgo put some water this is like not nowyeah 3 1 & 1/2 cup of water so pleaseguys my name is Muhammad octopus-likeinattentional oil open brush it’s not sohere’s the thing I will put your body Ithink soguys not depending on your[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]one eternity later so guys I meananother thing I like in peace[Music][Music][Music]it’s trying to be zero organicsyeahoh yeah guys this is not a peanut butteralone who women are Nam and play boardnod and oh well action feeling tacosyeah[Applause]mainly mainly peg chocolate so yeah guysI think that’s all for today’s video anddagger McNew 100 nakiya 108 the firesaucy growing plant food on a smoker butyeah guys die within another 100 so sothat’s all for today’s video guys and Ihope you liked it make sure to subscribelike comment and share this video guys[Music]