Waffles Recipes

How to Make Vegan Fluffy Waffles – easy vegan breakfast recipe | veggieonpennies

Hey y’all today I show you how to make easy vegan waffles. If you happen more time in the morning nowadays, you should give these a try! I adapted this recipe from Tasty’s Vegan Pancake Recipe.

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Music by Elli Moore – OK – https://thmatc.co/?l=FA7DB0FC
FX: pop sound by kwahmah_02: https://freesound.org/people/kwahmah_…

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about the brand!
veggiesonpennies is a broke girl’s guide to balanced veg eating. On this channel, I share healthy (and indulgent), tasty and cheap vegan recipes. Most of these recipes will also be dorm-friendly meaning minimal ingredients and minimal appliances. I’m all about simple but yummy food so I want my channel to reflect that as well!

vegan, vegetarian, cheap easy vegan food, healthy eating, veg eating, what i eat in a day, meal prep, healthy vegan school lunch ideas, vegan meals on a budget, what i eat in day as a college student, vegan meals under 5$, dorm-friendly vegan recipes, what i eat in a week, #vegan, #veggieonpennies

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Video Transcription

what’s up guys and welcome back to vigilPenny’s so today I’m showing you how tomake those really really easy breakfastwaffles so I’ve been loving having thatbreakfast now that I have a little bitmore time to cook breakfast in themorning so let’s start with what youneed so you’re first gonna start withsome white sugar then you’re gonna goahead and use some baking powder thensome almond milk and some salt and alsosome vanilla extract of course they’rereal kind and then you’re also gonnaneed some apple cider vinegar or whitevinegar some cinnamon and some whiteflour so first you’re gonna start bymaking the buttermilk so it’s so easyit’s all I said just mixing some almondmilk with some apple cider vinegar likeabout one tablespoon and then you’rejust gonna let it stand by a coupleminutes and it’s gonna curdle the milkjust like buttermilk so you’re gonna putthat aside for a couple minutes then youtake another bowl and you’re gonna putin a cup of flour then you’re gonna addtwo tablespoons of white sugar you’realso gonna add in one tablespoon ofbaking powder so you do need a lotbecause you want them to be fluffy andthen I’m adding some cinnamon just fortaste I don’t really measure it I justdump it in half a teaspoon of salt andalso a teaspoon of vanilla extract Iforgot to add that in the milk but makesure that you add that in next you’rejust gonna pour in your liquidingredient right into your dry and juststir that up with a whisk[Music]so when you’re done it should looksomething like this so kind of a liquidconsistency and then you’re gonna setthat aside for about 15 minutes for itto rest and then you’re gonna startbaking or cooking I’m just using thismini waffle maker by – I got it offAmazon a couple years ago and its reallygreat for like single uses and then yeahso here I’m just using I think it’s likea third of a cup and I’m just using thatas a measurement to pour in my batterand yeah I just want to make sure thatyou covered the griddle completely I’malso using some Pam like cooking sprayjust to make sure that it doesn’t stickto the griddle but yeah it’s really easyand the griddle itself is like nonstickso it really doesn’t stick and it’s agreat little handy waffle maker becauseit just makes really small waffles andperfect for like single or someoneperson or something like that like smallportions but yeah so I’m just gonna keepcooking down until I use up all mybatter[Music]when you’re done it’s gonna be lookingsomething like this so I think it seemsquite a bit of waffle about seven oreight I’m just going ahead and toppingit off with some chocolate chips andalso going in with a generous amount ofmaple syrup and yeah that’s pretty muchit for breakfast and yeah after that Ijust went ahead and made a really quickdalgona coffee so like the whole likewhipped coffee from tic toc I recentlymade a video on it so it’s gonna belinked in the cards so I just had thatwith my waffles this morning and it wasa really good breakfast with my eyesopen so that’s it for today’s video Ihope you guys go ahead and try it foryourself and let me know how you like itand I’ll see you guys next time bye whatabout what I want and what you want meto be what it needs to be

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