Waffles Recipes


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Video Transcription

so you – I was gonna say my old time
that is means there’s a real hey I don’t
know why I’m so animated
what’s day today I’m – no I got nothin
better to say y’all gonna watch me cook
but I’d be alright so a while ago a
couple years ago it’s hard to create a
record a video of home making waffles
with some white lady named Bonnie right
so like he may have an unconventional
his way so like he put him on the pan
with some sentimental shit so I’ll
finish I’d make waffles like bad nigger
I never had him like that I usually put
him in that fucking toaster over there
but trust me loose you today and I’m
excited too so first gotta get you
young cheap nigger like me you’re not
going to go buy no egos for 288 and
Walmart you’re going by ease for 180 for
a Walmart so you get you off you can get
whatever brand off is he won’t but I’m
achieving even with a nice amount of
money so I get the off-brand cheap great
value waffles now gotta get your
cinnamon cinnamon I just want to show
off my tattoo you sending me you
cinnamon sugar
look Mokelumne come back people love you
wait Jax
and of course yeah she got you eating
the same way in the waffles you get a
great value
I didn’t fucking babies did you get that
cuz you don’t want oh joy as waffles
gotta have you a pan
yeah I’m saying if I was gonna make the
waffles and I put them in that fucking
toaster of course
cinnamon first no specific reason that
I’m hoping any cinnamon first they smell
real good cinnamon challenge on the way
no sir perfect no we’re gonna make one
of these waffles you don’t want to say
shit on fire I just probably put the
waffle I know first yeah here
you don’t want to sit she don’t fire
right so you turn it down like right
there mmm
that might be just a little too low so
turn it up a little bit
yes sir yes sir
yeah while we’re living it cook I want
everybody to know saying you watching
these subscribe heads make a new channel
so please subscribe like the video do
all the other stuff shout out to
everybody that subscribed already I’m
not about to say our names but thanks
I’m saying I encourage everybody this is
just conversation it’s past time I
encourage everybody to start their own
YouTube channels you know I’m seen I
feel like a lot of my friends are funny
and they should start YouTube channels
so do that I will be extremely
interesting and watching some you
bitch-ass niggas videos I’m thinking it
still tilts it I don’t really give it
down I think you look awful see it for
maybe three minutes little time lapse
bitches I’m sending me right
let’s take the cinnamon I’m gonna
sprinkle a little bit on there it says
go to brown but you just might be too
much the same spot you flip it over look
at that get nice brown now we’re not
fucking bar berries so we’re gonna get
fucking paper plane this is just
inhumane so no big deal
we got like nine more but we burnt the
fucking awful
we should probably turn this down huh
just turn it off
okay trash the waffle yeah maybe some
get another job we gonna have the stove
down below because it’s it’s literally
fucking fire like literally fire like
it’s not like a electric oven stove
thinking he’s fucking like gas stuff so
that’s fire you know that so turn it
down a little bit
mr. Potter will come check the waffle
just getting golden brown you know say I
think this is the time where we throw to
see a man honey just not so much I’m
using my head because I don’t really
you don’t take long as we can see okay
I gotta say follow me on instagram
instagram in a description not a link
cuz that’s the fucking stupid name in
the description follow me on instagram
okay i gotta say
follow me on instagram instagram in the
description not a link cuz that’s the
fucking stupid name in the description
follow me on instagram i think i’m
opposed to cut cheese waffle not going
crack open this great value for sir god
damn crack open this great value sir
yes sir it’s so now it’s hot as fuck and
I’m about to get naked Frigidaire I did
that wasn’t a part of any joke
I just the part never you standing up
don’t you stand it up I’m doing it
because I ain’t nobody gonna beat me up
about it but don’t you send it up my
first bite nigga over Tyler the Creator
I had real white bitch bunny
sir Haley percent I’m going Ramsay not
fucking with me at all Oh God
Thunder dad looks Warner and I fucking
with me she wasn’t a night of teeny
bunny I’m great stuff of all time who
the fuck is Gordon Ramsay I take over
yourself that she was fast fuck but I’ll
really fuck with syrup like that so I’m
finna be she’d before the next three
scoot oh it was worth it anyway yeah if
y’all I don’t know how to videos I’m
gonna give a fuck either if I ever
decide to fuck they don’t put my name on
that if y’all ever decide to make some
girls love real style waffles all you
need is cinnamon sugar Simpson any type
of syrup on any type of already cooked
fucking waffles side down babies have
already cook waffles
don’t buy waffles like the meats that
you guys don’t buy to mix that you gotta
like put inside that’s not gonna be
right just fuck all that
thanks for watching
idiot like comment subscribe shared
video don’t say – video was pretty bad I
don’t know if it goes a bit if you don’t
know well yeah like comment subscribe
please like comment subscribe please
follow me on Instagram in the
description yeah if you decide to make
somebody’s fucking waffles how I just
made them yes because I came up with
this whole idea whose salad – creator
let me know how your life was turned out
go off was turned out trash don’t blame
it on me
you just can’t fucking cook
someone get hurt


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