Pancakes Recipes

Make Quarantine Pancakes with me ( Not So Professional)

Hi guys, I am Shakshi Shetty aka Sharkshe & in my today’s video I am making Pancakes for the first time. It’s a not so professional, kind of a disaster tutorial so bare with me. Hope you enjoy. If you make any of these don’t forget to send me 🙂

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Video Transcription

hi guys it’s shakti shotty and welcometo my channel so today I namely decidedto make pancakes I’ve never made itbefore I saw this recipe online and Ithink I can make it so if you’re lookingfor a professional video and all thenhold high expectations very onexperiment let’s see if I can make areally good pancake either way it’sgonna be very helpful because in case ifI succeed then you will know how to makenice pancakes in case if I don’t and youwill know how not to make pancakesso either way it’s curvy super helpfulso yeah without any further ado let’s goand make some pancakesyouguys I’m doing it alone no one cell pickme out you shooting what I am cookingover soonwe had somewhat something warned then wegot a little plateau then because it’slike porch on the back and here it’s alittle point and the last one is kind ofbetter like it’s not that poorhi guys I’m black and we had quite ourjourney with pancakes like you can seewe started by a disaster and lost hopesright hell like when the forest thinghappened I was like I can’t I think wekinda have pretty good looking pancakesfor the first try like obviously notpause first try but in the first attemptanyway now taste test we’re gonna tryour pancakes i removes the chocolatesfrom the condition because I didn’t wantit to be extremely sweet so y’all cankeep much of liquor I just added themfor decor so let’s eat them now thetaste reunited finally the taste isamazing so overall I would say thiswasn’t a flop this was pretty much a hitwe just had to struggle a little but Iam pretty sure on now next time onwardswhenever I make pancakes I can do apretty good job first time though alwaysa disaster but this is pretty bold likeI would call it a success so in case youguys try it out you all have to tag me Iwould be so happy he to look at yourpancake if you are looking at the sutior annual meat pancake cellphone pleasedecide to share it with me and I’llshare it on my stories I hope this videowas help y’all enjoyed this video anddon’t forget to subscribe to my channelalso it on the bed I can follow me on mysocial media and as you next time

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