Pancakes Recipes

How to Make Plantain Pancakes For Breakfast

Great recipe for Over ripe plantain . Don’t ever throw out your over ripe plantain away!! You can make these delicious plantain pancakes with them and enjoy for breakfast 😁😁😊.
Have you tried it? Also, let me know in the comment below, what else you can use over ripe plantain to cook?

2 very ripe plantains
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder (optional)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 Tbsp butter or coconut oil (melted)
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup evaporated milk (any milk should do)
2 large eggs
1 1/2 – 2 Tbsp oil for frying

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hello friends welcome back if you’re areturning viewer welcome if this is yourfirst time stopping byif you’re not subscribed yet please feelfree to hit that red button and join thefamilytoday i’m making plantain pancakes i hadnever heard of these or eaten them but afriend of mineasked me if i could make them for herbecause she saw them somewhere so ifigured i’d give it a shot and you guysare coming along with me for thisexperimenti’m using two very ripe plantains idecided to cut out the center partbecause i didn’t want black specks in mypancakes but i was like it doesn’treally matteranyway i’m cutting them out and then i’mgoing to cut up my plantainsand get them ready to go in the blenderwith the rest of my ingredientsone and a half cups of all-purpose flourone quarter teaspoon of cinnamon onequarter teaspoon of saltand a half teaspoon of baking powder oneand a half tablespoons of melted butterone teaspoon of vanilla and one cup ofevaporated milklike i said i’m going to pour all thatin my blender and uh get to blendingoh maybe i should have told you i’musing two eggsi’m using two eggs my dad makes thesepancakes with my niece and nephewand they’re not american style pancakesso i imagine that’s what nigerianpancakes are likeso i’m going to try to make it that wayi’ve blended my ingredients and look atthat beautifulsmooth batter that’s what you want andnow we can getto fryingas you know i love my cast iron so i ammeltingthe remaining half tablespoon of butterin my pan on medium heati will be frying the rest of my pancakeswith oil i’m using my one quarter cupas a measuring tool and i’m just goingto pour that into the center of my pani will swirl it around a little bit sothat my pancakes are not too thickand then i’m just going to watch for thebubbles and then once i see the bubblesthat means it’s timeto flipthere we go if necessary give yourpancake a gentletap all right and then just cook theother sideand get get it onto your plate so that’sall the oil i’m going to be using to fryall that batterin order to control how much oil i use iuse this brush tobrush my pan and then i just continuefrying so just watch again as i do thispour your batter on give it a swirlwatch for the bubblesand then flip[Music]beautiful and there are pancakes ididn’t show you the plantain i used sothere it is well that’s not the one iuse butthat’s how ripe it was um yeah but ourpancakes look beautiful they taste okayto mebut i’ll let my friend comment downbelow and tell us how they werei did add some sugar to the last four soif you want it really sweet you can dothat i’ll see you next time

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