Pancakes Recipes

How to make pancakes! Fluffy souffle Pancakes! Pancakes at home in lockdown!

Here is what you will need!

Serving: 4


2 egg yolk
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup cold milk
3/4 cup refined flour
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 egg whites

Small butter cubes for glazing pan

For garnish:
1 Banana
Honey or maple syrup


1) Take yolk bowl add sugar and mix it well then aad milk into it mix it properly make sure there is no lamps then add flour and mix it keep it aside.

2) Start whipping egg whites with hand beater or whisker
Whisk it till egg white became still and peaks as well.

3) In egg white add yolk mixture and start mixing it till evething is mixed.

4) Take non stick pan add small butter cubes and pour the mixture cook both the side for 2 min on low flame.

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