Pancakes Recipes


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this recipe makes the softest fluffiestpancakes and most if not all theingredients you should be able to findin your kitchen for yourself a cup ofcoffee and what these up for brunch thisweekendstart by measuring out a cup and a halfof all-purpose flour into a large mixingbowl this recipe makes enough for threeto four people so if you are cooking formore just double the recipe you can finda printable version on my website orcheck the information box below for themeasurementsin the same bowl is the flour measureout four teaspoons of baking powder formmay seem like a lot but this is thesecret to getting the softest fluffiestpancake is the pancakes cook the bakingpowder is going to react and create anabundance of air getting that perfectpancake dijkstra lastly to the dryingredients add a pinch of salt you canadd sugar here as well if you would likearound a tablespoon but I prefer to addsweetness with toppings rather than theactual pancake use a wooden spoon to mixthe dry ingredients together until theyare combined set the bowl to the sidethen a smaller bowl mix together the wetingredients first crack in one largefree-range egg followed by the milk I’musing dairy but you can substitute withsoy or almond if you would like- the Egham okay record a cup of coldmelted butter user mix everythingtogether making sure the egg is wellincorporatedthis is optional but I love a hint ofvanilla add half a teaspoon of purevanilla isn’t it makes againmake a well in the flour and pour in thewet ingredients fold the bitter togetherwith the wooden spoon until there are nolonger any large lumps make sure you’renot over mixing is this will eat yourpancakes being quite toughI’ve keep these pancakes quite plain butif you do want to add blueberries orchocolate chips or any other flavoringsnow would be a great time when you’reready to cook the pancakeshe’s a heavy-bottomed pen like a castiron over medium-low heat when the penis heated add a small amount of butterto the pan to melt scoop out about athird of a cup of bezu importance of thepan leave the pancake to spread on itsown and cook for a few minutesyou’ll know it’s ready to flip when theairbag will start to form on the top ifyou’re unsure just use the spatula tolift the side and check the bottom upink up for a further few minutes on theopposite side if your pancakes arebrowning a little too quickly justadjust the heat place the cooked pancakeon a plate and repeat with the nextyou should get about six or sevenpancakes out of this recipes so continueuntil you’re out of better top thepancakes but the maple syrup in anyother of your favorite toppings see meyour photo if you try out this recipe Iwould love to see your favorite pancaketopping thank you for watching I hopeyou enjoyed this recipe and I will seeyou on my next video byeyouyouyouyou

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