Bacon and pancakes join together to create a fun, kid-friendly breakfast. The strips are easy for little hands to pick up and the sauce is delicious for dipping. The whole family will love this recipe!
1 8 slices bacon
2 ½ cup maple syrup
3 ⅓ cup peanut butter
4 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 1 cup all-purpose flour
6 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
7 1 ½ teaspoons white sugar
8 ½ teaspoon salt
9 1 cup buttermilk
10 1 egg
11 1 tablespoon olive oil
12 1 tablespoon melted butter, or as needed
Step 1
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Step 2
Arrange bacon slices on the prepared baking sheet.
Step 3
Bake in the preheated oven until browned and crisp, about 15 minutes; drain on a paper towel-lined plate.
Step 4
Combine maple syrup, peanut butter, and vanilla extract in a small saucepan over medium-high heat; cook and
stir until sauce is smooth and heated through, about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and keep sauce warm.
Step 5
Whisk flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together in a large bowl. Whisk buttermilk, egg, and olive oil together in a separate bowl; slowly pour into flour mixture and whisk until batter is smooth.
Step 6
Heat a griddle or flat skillet over medium heat; spread melted butter on surface to coat. Arrange bacon slices about 2 inches apart on the hot griddle, working in batches if needed.
Step 7
Slowly pour batter over each bacon strip; cook until bubbles start to form on top and edges are dry, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip pancakes and cook until other side is golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Serve with warm maple-peanut butter sauce.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
bacon and pancakes join together tocreate a fun and family-friendlybreakfast really want to treat them topthese bacon pancakes strips with warmand dreamy maple peanut butter sauceokay let’s get startedpreheat the oven to 425 degreesFahrenheit and line a baking sheet withaluminum foil we’re going to make eightpancake strips so place eight baconslices on a lined baking sheet and bakein the preheated oven until browned andcrisp about fifteen minutes while thebacon cooks let’s stir up this maplepeanut butter sauce to a small saucepanover medium-high heat add 1/2 cup ofmaple syrup one teaspoon of vanillaextract and 1/3 cup of peanut butterchunky or smooth give us a stir untilthe peanut butter is melted and thesauce is smooth and heated through aboutfive minutes reduce the heat to low andkeep the sauce fornow that the bacon is cooked remove itfrom the pan onto paper towels to drainlet’s get the pancake batter going in alarge bowl whisk together one cup offlour one and a half teaspoons of bakingpowder one and a half teaspoons of sugarand a half teaspoon of saltin a separate bowl whisk together onecup of buttermilk 1 egg and 1 tablespoonof olive oil[Music]slowly pour the wet ingredients into thedry ingredients and whisk until thebatter is smooth now heat an electricgriddle at 325 degrees Fahrenheit or usea skillet over medium heat and brushwith melted butter arrange the baconslices onto the griddle about two inchesapart work in batches if you need toslowly ladle the pancake batter overeach bacon strip and cook until bubblesstart to form at the top and the edgesare dry about two to three minutes flipthe pancake strips and cook until theother side is golden brown about anotherthree minutes serve your bacon pancakestrips with a warmed maple peanut buttersauce and if you’re feeling indulgent asprinkle of powdered sugar[Music]