Pancakes Recipes

How to make a Pan-Pancake with Mrs.Nellis

Taking your simple pancake, to a cookie sheet pan. This makes it quick and easy to feed the whole family. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content!

filmed and edited by mary nellis
instagram: @marynellis_

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today I’m gonna show you how to make apen pancake first you we need a penyou’ll also need a bowl some measuringcups a knife a whisk and some pancakemix and don’t forget your yummy toppingsI have strawberries chocolate chips andbananas and of course a wet measuringcup first you want to go and pre-heatyour oven to 425 degrees next we’regonna prep our yummy toppings we’regonna cut some strawberries into someslivers and put them in a bowl thenyou’re gonna want to chop your bananaand place it in a bowl and set aside forlater next we’re gonna make the pancakemix just a normal pancake mix I’m usingthree cups of pancakes mix one cup[Music]two cups and finally three cups nextwe’re going to want to make sure we addsome water we’re gonna add two cups ofwaterso let’s fill our measuring cup up totwo cups pour the two cups of water intothe pancake mix and then take yourwooden spoon and mix I usually startmixing it with a wooden spoon and thenI’ll switch to a whisk because I findthe whisks gets it nice and smoothand then you just whisk it all togetherif this stir if this gets a little hardmaybe ask mom or dad to give you somehelp[Music]you’ll know it’s done when there’s nolumps and it’s nice and smooth and readyto go there we have it my pancake mixnext we’re gonna take some cooking sprayand spray our pan this will help it notstick when we take it out of the oventhen you’re gonna take your pancake mixand a spatula and scrape it in to thepan once it’s all in the pan you’regoing to want to move it back and forthso the pancake mix is all across the pan[Music]there we have it now comes the fun partwe are gonna add some fun toppings intothe mix now for my family they all likedifferent things so I’m going to make ita little different for one third of mypancake I’m gonna add some bananas andyou can add these any way you want I’mmaking a little pattern and then we’regonna add some strawberries and then myother child she loves chocolate chips soI’m gonna add some chocolate chips tothe middle[Music]and then on the other end I’m gonnaleave it blank and plain because myother daughter likes plain pancakes andnow you can do this any way you want youcan add blueberries or marshmallows oranything you’d like next we’re gonna putit in the oven this is something youwant an adult to help with and thenwe’re gonna set the timer for 14 minutesand now we waitoh the pancake is done we’re gonna pullget an adult to pull it out of the oventhere we have it and we’re gonna let itsit and cool or maybe a couple minutesonce it’s cooled we can cut it I use aplastic knife because it doesn’t cut mypansnow that scat we can serve a pancake andvoila there you have a pan pancake mykids love it with maple syrup so we aregonna drizzle some maple syrup thank youfor watching I hope you make it and Ihope you enjoy it

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