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This pancake recipe is perfect when you have Limited ingredients.
Please follow this recipe as given below:
1 & 1/2 Cup Wheat Flour
2 Cup Milk
2 eggs
1. Separate Egg whites and yolk. Take Egg white in a bowl and whisk till it becomes creamy.
You can use an electric beater but since I dont have an Electric beater I have whisked the egg whites with a fork with my hand.
2. Once done, take some wheat flour in a bowl, add little salt to your taste, 1 to 2 spoon sugar or as per your liking and the egg yolks. Mix it very well.
3. Take 2 chikoos in bowl, peel their skin and smash them nicely to fine mixture. Add 2 cup milk in it and mix well.
4. Pour this mixture in flour and mix nicely. If needed add more milk. The consistency must be like idli batter or not too thick not too watery.
5. Heat a pan and add little (1/2 spoon or as per need)butter and little oil in it. Pour little better in pan like an idli. Pour 2 to 3 pancakes.
6. Check if downside is brown, if yes than flip.
7. Bake both sides nicely, Dont overheat pan or it will burn.
Slow cook it. Take out in plate, sprinkle some sugar for crunch. Pour some honey over eat.
Ready to eat.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
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