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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
yo what’s up guys welcome on stage todayI think you’re still in French I don’twanna hit them did you guys Oh mommy didyou eat it sugar egg and peanut butterwhat’s it stirred around in the fridgeperfect now[Music]if you don’t have any that polio sprayyou just punch someone in there it’seasier than just not roses vegetable oilbut it still works the samehas the same usage of the all the othercoils no it doesn’t in my case itprobably does it go everywhere cannotloose tingokay that’s goodas you can see it works really welland I’d put some more every time itsticks equally the amount you want touse you don’t have to use a lot I liketo use a lot today works better but youdon’t have to use a lot well I use a lotit kind of works better just in my caseyou don’t have to use alive you don’twant to but it works much better thanjust throwing it on there but if youdon’t do that then you must be reallygood we have that if you have what youneed just improvise and use what youhave that’s all I have to sayyour diapers use diaperscookies after the finished thingokay perfectthen I put it[Music]me I love this heat up for a few minutesokay so when your dime if you want towhich I do use that just finger take myfingerI never love you back up to talkhope you guys like this video if you didsmash that like button face subscribeand if you did you know you still likemy face now I have to do