Cookies Recipes


Thank you guys for watching us bake some cookies! Can’t wait to see you in the next video!:)

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extra tags: clothing haul grwm sister forever sisterforevervlogs shopping vlog

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

what’s up guys it’s us back at it again
with Thank You Tube video hey what are
we doing on your screaming because you
don’t have a mic
oh yeah okay today we are gonna be
baking some really healthy foods I can’t
see we’re gonna be baking chocolate chip
cookies no we decided okay yeah I’m time
I thought I’m just out we decided
complete scrap no are you being serious
yeah from complete scratch we’re gonna
do a box you’re lazy
or not scrap look at this face you look
like no no like with your hair will
catch it when we’re there they’re gonna
go oh I knew you weren’t gonna bring
your part or you were gonna expect me to
pay for it so that’s why I didn’t buy
him to bring my purse yes yes all the
time when we were at Target the other
week you literally didn’t bring your
person I brought mine and I paid for it
what the other day last time last time I
don’t know where we were but I know for
a fact you always forget your wallet or
something and then you expect me to buy
it so that’s why today I didn’t it was
when we was in Dairy Queen and we did a
vlog and I paid for the entire meal
Boyd and Shawn Mendes and Shawn Mendes
and you got your wall it’s stolen
I could function I had fortunes
laughy it’s not my fault somebody stole
my wallet my yeah I’m I’m freakin whole
entire wallet
I was piece of meat
boom trying to find the vanilla there we
yay here we are vanilla
good that’s all we had that’s all they
had look right here there’s a sauce
bottle a vision I felt baguette she was
like I don’t want you guys to pay that
much I don’t know what that is that was
the only thing that was over there other
than vanilla otherwise freaking good or
bad yeah it’s gonna be all here’s the
scoop we’re gonna be making you side
yeah oh you’re a denier folks Toll House
Nestle Toll House semi-sweet chocolate
chip cookies this we bought only because
if we screw up and they’re horrible
because we went from a twelve dollar
bottle of vanilla to a three dollar
bottle of vanilla by recommendation of
the very nasty armed cashier so if they
turn out horrible we’re gonna use a box
making it from scratch see it over here
you’re hoping us aren’t you
okay what is it direction are you two
boys in a direction set we need get some
baking soda baking soda I’ll be oh we
need our chefs hats pie see right back
right can you see it you wrote it back
come here no I didn’t mean to Wow yeah
okay we’re ditching is all right it was
Stevie I’m so sorry bring your folders
okay step one
preheat oven to 375 because you’re
helping us family bonding all right time
cookie time step one create oven depth
to in a small bowl combine flour baking
soda salt that’s why I’m going in step
all right I’ll do step three let’s see
two sticks of butter softened I’m gonna
stick these in a microwave to keep them
soft so perfectly stop but uh all right
I’ll bet where are the mixing things
Judy come out what’s stepper you’re
doing all right two sticks of butter cuz
I’m not a baker you I eat better okay
all right all right
okay 3/4 teaspoon okay what is my delay
3/4 verse man brown sugar oh I just
don’t all this out your silly girl what
did I use is salt all right young I can
use a soul yeah
really thing salt is the one that
finally graded this is like chunky if
can I use this is what I’m saying I
don’t think it can’t little to me can I
use it for real should I I don’t know
can I use this am I using the journal I
think let me see I don’t know
it’s very chunky do it do it just do it
okay are you being at or not nice try Oh
what are you doing on okay um I don’t
know I need the directions to see if I’m
okay you really know how to put that on
that you did you have to click it back
what do you mean nice oh yeah I need the
spinner no just try it without it just
shut up all right like the best cookies
that were ever gonna make
yes is that was beaten up to you drop
you know if it smells good it I want to
eat it anyway so now I mean that’s gross
all right now okay all right tell me
that’s girl suppose all right it’s
pretty good add eggs how many eggs two
large eggs crap we only have medium oh
my god shut up you actually scare me
that we’d forgotten edge stuff strip put
it down oh look at you oh my god thought
you were gonna be this other Baker I
think I’m better I’m thinking I think
you’re better at cooking stop eating it
there’s raw egg in there you’re gonna
get salmonella
mmm ME ME or make sure ground chili
Sally oh my god yummy mommy I’m gonna
cry the news
don’t keep the stock no more and that’s
it for the baking mom’s favorite let me
see it there’s a chunk right here
get that you know what if somebody gets
a chunk of plastic in their cookie I’m
sorry but I’m not inspecting anyway we
have known destroyed our garage and
where is this friend pampered chef when
did you get it big somebody’s gonna make
you and make you a video 10 minute so
the cutting ends is Jesus charlie there
might be little shards
I can’t tell until they help me no no
I’m making cookies put the rest of drop
ships in there just make yours with a
lot better just absent your Alison
fired from this job uh-huh all right
chief I don’t get thanked Unni I can do
just one he ate half the bag okay Emily
Emily stop looking we get that off
Oh with this I’ve been looking at okay
what first batch going in right here
have you guys tried can you bake her
Piper I don’t think you can are you sure
spam what is it Pam expand Bambi I was
like a weird meat baked with a man to
make okay I really like you guys anyway
I honestly don’t know are these for
cookies like why are you mean you don’t
know I’m just making a little bit easy
eat it what is that what is that doing
for you grabbing at all honestly you
just ripped to this maybe we should just
thumbnail this cookies are in the oven
so we’ll come back at you when they’re
done and clean and you’re not clean um
cooked and moist and lovely dun duh-da
dun-dun oh look how massive that one it
I know that’s what I’m saying only huge
looks like a show
hey Stevie you weren’t even in the video
you can’t you can’t be in part of our
cooking series baby you didn’t even try
to help we asked you to you know your Oh
Stevie okay yeah we got it
see we wanted you to be in it and you
tell me to do all right guys that was us
attempting to make chocolate chip
cookies from scratch there’s a little
mishap but we got here and there’s
tasting so so good so this is really
good lighting good idea anyways you guys
she doesn’t like me though catch ya
thanks for staying too and hope I
something like subscribe comment down
below thanks bye love you

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