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make tasty crispy cookies in thik lockdown…
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Mochar ghonto- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xGY9UmsBEM&t=93s
Egg curry- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQR3QcvpUQk&t=183s
Echor kofta- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwCMfeG97Ac&t=13s
Thanks for watching ♥️
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello Bundoora welcome to my channel thedelicious moment as a river otter showedus here cookies without butterActos on how to buy Pro Tommy bullet itBlack team Moyatill bandless it’s cocoa powder bakingpowder are powdered sugar/ – these are Zack protamine et till ourTV[Music]change echo find little Korean to ABBAeponymous PLA syndicate Apollo correctPeytonJohanna humans can see each otherbuffalo meat are not available a cupholderthe apollo polemics or lenovo I keptquality of the bookhopbaking powder[Music]I taught ballet lessons calculatemachine dollarmachine operator has affinity you know50 total versa if I return to talk aboutConey Thomas after parking admission agococoa butter[Music]I’m great it’s a much more about an attthe Apollo correct makki madani Micawbergets it to go ready in parami designCoronado altered to delimit you havethis eco economy and a chapter communitypaper paper ethnic design coordinatora mechanic after Parker the designecology a PR firm illogical illusionsand loose with the Saco River[Music]other words after going in proportionMila I’m a director cookie Freddie[Music]director design go g3t white born ineach bean dip chocolate vanilla teadirector director Ava by shaji Aniaallegory Prescott Anita hobby these arepeople who can not attendif habakkuk array of name Chicano designorientable keep up at the old modelwe were killed at the pantheon that adaily increase Colorado tan Matra Moscowcoca-cola record ago a bio unity actorsare confident about Sheila the taça daVilaI’ll be taken at dawn no filming theycoordinate all their political unit perminute for other cookies ready turn downin the training cook shoulder cook tastypart the conforto crispylike double shoot record Jonathan Vilmathank you for watching