Cookies Recipes

MAKING GYOZA AT HOME! (easy & affordable recipe) | Cookie Gonzalez

Gyoza is one of my favorite dishes from the Japanese cuisine, and I wanted to share how I make it right at home! 🥟 Try out this recipe, and you won’t regret it!! 😍


1/3 kilo of ground pork
3-4 leaves of cabbage (minced)
2 stocks of green onion leeks or scallions (minced)
2 big or 4 small mushrooms, hydrated dried mushrooms will work (minced)
1 to 5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1/2 inch grated ginger


1 or 2 tbsp of sake or rice wine
1 tbsp of sesame oil
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tsp of iodized salt
1 tsp of freshly ground black pepper

dipping sauce:

2 tbsp of white vinegar
1 tbsp of soy sauce
drops of sesame oil or chilli oil (optional)

here’s the original and more professional recipe:


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Original of the video here

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[Music]hey guys welcome to another video andthank you so much for being here becauseI am so excited we are gonna makesomething that I personally love I superenjoyed making it and I just felt like Iwanted to share that with you guys todayof course the best part is the eatingpart I am super excited for that I’mgoing to talk about what is so goodabout this dish maybe you’ll learn athing or two as well I mean this is notreally a tutorial but I’m going to showyou guys how you can make this at homeand if ever you do you’re really gonnaenjoy it you’re really gonna love theflavor because this is really deliciousin my opinion okay before I begin ofcourse I have to mention if you haven’tsubscribed already please do especiallyif you want to see more content from menormally I don’t do cooking videos butwhen I do I have a lot of fun and Ireally enjoy so if you do subscribewe’ll have fun together and hopefullyyou guys will enjoy more of the videos Imake so yeah if you want to do that goahead and click the subscribe button Iwould really appreciate it so today weare making Joseph and that is one of myfavorite dishes especially from theJapanese cuisine whenever you order itoutside they usually give you likeordered six pieces honestly that’s notenough for me that’s why we decided tomake it at home I’m gonna tell you guysall about this dish because you mightthink that this is so hard and expensiveto make but actually it’s the oppositethis is actually a big batch and I willelaborate more later on why you shouldmake this at home but for now I’m gonnatell you guys about the ingredients okayso we’re gonna talk about what’s in thisbowl now I already prepared it if I filmchopping all these things up we wouldtake forever so what we have in thisbowl is one-third of a kilo of groundpork some cabbage around four big leavesof cabbage all chopped up and mince andwe have some onion leeks in herearound two stocks chop them up reallysmall and really fine and then here wehave some mushrooms fresh mushrooms arekind of expensive what we do is we buydried mushrooms let them sit in hotwater so that once they’re donehydrating we get either two bigmushrooms or four small mushrooms andthen chop them up real fine and it worksperfectly and then we add some gratedginger around half an inch and that’llbe fine for the whole recipe and then wehave some garlic this recipe actuallyrequires one clove of garlic likeliterally one piece and then you have tochop it like really small but if youguys know me I love garlic so I addedfive cloves you can never have too muchgarlic it just in my opinion makeseverything better so if you want to addmore garlic okay so that’s what we havein here so that makes this now so I’mmixing all the ingredients together justso that when we add the sauce it’s a lotmore even you got to mix this reallywell because you need a little bit ofeverything in each of you so don’t blinklater on we’re gonna fold these thingstogether I’m gonna wrap them in thewrapper obviously[Applause]I know there’s like more ways to makeyoga or like there’s differentvariations but we found this recipeonline and this is the one that reallyworks for us especially with theingredients really affordable and ittastes really amazing so that’s kind ofmixed up so now we’re gonna do the sauceor is it the marinade but anyway we’regonna add these things you’re supposedto have like one teaspoon of each butI’m just gonna wing it but I’m using atablespoon 1 teaspoon it’s not enough ifI mess it up now I’m not gonna mix it upnot like when I made cookies well Ididn’t really mess that upeither we’re going to start with somesalt I don’t have a salt container I’mso sorry for the salt I am definitelygoing to do 1 teaspoon because we don’twant to overdo that I’m just gonna likeimagine that this is a teaspoon supposeyou 1 teaspoon of pepperbut again I’m kind of waiting itespecially with this that looks like ateaspoon soy sauceit’s supposed to be sake but rice wineDalbert validate we’re literally runningout because we love making Asian dishesin this house and we love making yoursat one tablespoon rice wine you know I’mjust gonna finish this whole thing takea click two tablespoons kind of messingthis up in my okay lastly we have somesesame oil we’re just mixing this up tojust add the sauce to the meat and allthe vegetables I’m just gonna scoop itso that we can get some evenness herenow it’s time to mix it there’s gonna bepeople judging me and I’m so sorry butsometimes when you cook and you justwing it sometimes that makes it a lotbetter saying thatwe have all the time so now that we’redone mixing I’m going to let this sit inthe refrigerator for 20 minutes afterthat I am going to wrap them all up soI’ll be right backokay so it’s been around 30 to 40minutes I let it sit longer till we justgot like super generic dumpling wrappersthese work just fine there are differentkinds of wrappers you have to make surethe one that you get is good for fryingand really stays together because whereyou go goes out you fry them first andthen you add water so you have to get awrapper that’s really sturdy and itdoesn’t rip easily I have a plate for myYozoonce they’re done I have some water hereso that we can stick the wrappertogether I’m gonna make sure right hereyou’re the wrapper here so we just takea scoop like a tablespoon of fillingmake sure you don’t put too much becauseyou don’t want the gyoza to burst sothis is how it looks like in the wrapperI’m not really gonna teach you how tofold this thing because I am NOT doingit perfectly I just make sure it doesn’tfall apartI just put water in the edges of thewrapper slowly try to close this withoutdestroying it how do you do this againI’m not gonna be able to show you guysproperly but you just pinch in the endand I’m like hold it oh my goshsomeone’s probably judging me right nowI’m sorry I just do my best I trydoesn’t have to be perfect since you’rejust making this at home as long as itseals properly and looks presentablethere you go so cute so like I saidpretty easy to make I betlike at home right now you see what’shappening in the world and I know thatwe are all kind of budgeting and that’swhy I kind of wanted to share thisbecause this is actually budget-friendlyusually when you order goes up in arestaurant they usually charge like 100to 200 and you only get like 4 to 6pieces but when you make this at homethis whole batch actually costs around200 or even less depending on how muchyou want to buy or how much you want tomake really affordable you can actuallyput this in a ziploc and in the freezerand it can last up to one month if youguys are hungry and you need a snap youcan always just get it from the freezercook it which is super convenient andit’s all like homemade ingredients noextra stuff that you don’t know aboutbecause you made it setup super notperfect as long as it’s edible that’sgood to goI don’t eat rice but if you want to eatit with rice you can do thatriot steam it and then you have yogaready to eat so we actually made thislast week I wanted to make it again butfor you guys because I know everyone’slike at home right now so I just wantedto film something that you guys could doat home it’s also kind of educationaldoing this by myself because I’m doingit for you guys but if you do this withlike your mom or your sibling be a lotfaster and you guys can eat a lot soonercooking and eating obviously is one ofthe things that really makes me happyright now I am enjoying I am survivingright now for those who have the choiceto stay at home this is one way youcould serve your family and at the sametime it’s really something worthlearning kind of why I wanted to filmthis it just really makes me happy youshould find something that makes youhappy but at the same time it’s veryproductive and also could serve othersthat would really be something worthyour time for some people cookingstresses them out but for me cookingit’s like super fun I love cooking forothers ok so now that we make 10 gals usI’m gonna do the rest off-camera andthen we are gonna cook and I’m justgoing to taste it for you guys hopefullythat will makeyou want to make this at home give me asec I’ll be right back so cute I meanit’s not perfect but I bet it tastesgreat because we made it so right herewe have some sauce you can make thiswith just vinegar and soy sauce you canalso add a little bit of sesame oil ifyou want that kind of flavorbasically you cook it first in oil thenonce it’s kind of crispy in the bottomyou add some water it’s gonna steamreally high cover it so that you cancook the whole wrapper and the meatinside take out the cover of the pan andthen you let all the water evaporate andthen this is how it looks like they’vebeen in the sauceI like having a lot of sauce and my goesup if you just want to lightly dip yourgills on the sauce that’s fine too timeto taste our creation yay[Music]this is why I love making yoga I meanI’m not biased or anything I know I’mlooking like this but this recipe isn’tmine so I can say it’s delicious I canliterally eat like ten pieces of theseI’m so sorry I said that but that’swhat’s going on it is so good I can’texplain how good this is I mean am Ioverreacting maybe but I’m also veryhungry right now and that first bite waslike a burst of flavorsuper words the folding and the mixingI’m so happy I have so much more that Ican cook obviously other restaurantsmake it so well like six pieces just notenough it’s just a really good dish andI always want more of it again you canpair this with some steer fried noodlesand vegetables instant ramen this withthat Oh beautiful I’m just gonna getanother one because I’m still trying toconvince you guys to make these at homeguys our number to you that’s all I haveto say gotta taste it to believe itI was thinking by now because you guysare probably sick of me and I am gonnaeat tomorrow if you guys want to makethis at home I’ll put the recipe downbelow and I’ll link a video probablydoes let me know if you do try this outI hope you guys are all safe and I hopeyou guys like this video thank you somuch for watching and I’ll see you guysin the next one bye[Applause][Music][Applause][Music]

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