Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome to holds at home andtoday I will be baking no bake cookiesto make no bake cookies you will need 2cups of sugar 1 stick of butter 1/2 cupof milk 1/4 cup of cocoa powder 1teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1 1/2 ofpeanut butter and also 3 cups of oatmealthe first thing you’re gonna do is putyour sugar butterand one once it’s all mixed up reallyJen you can turn on that oven and let itboil make sure it boils for one minutewe have already set the timer for oneminutemake sure these handlebars are arealways facing in or if you have themlike this or if you have them like thismake sure they’re facing the sidesbecause if a dog or a child is in theycan reach up and pour the boiling wateron or whatever it’s that and what yourboil and alsostir oh nice and good it can get alittle bit tough but just keep on goingyeah make sure all Michigan peanutbutter is in yep okay I think it’s allgood and you can use a spoon or whateveryou want to scoop the mixture and thebowl that we have right now out withwhatever you want battle it’s like thecookies basically yeah but we like touse an ice cream and then you can spreadout some foil ifthen once you have them all spread outit will take on about three or fourminutes to set oh that was the end ofthis video I hope you had fun makingyour no bake cookies thank you forwatching bye