Cookies Recipes

Cooking Travels – Yummy No Bake Cookies

Hi! We’re Meadow and Arizona. On our channel, you will find fun educational adventures. In this episode we are doing our Cooking ‘Travel’ Adventures!

Join us as we go to Our Kitchen for our culinary travels! Today we are making No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies!

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Video Transcription

Arizona David Ragan is potato ultimatesystem reduce cooking amateurs LJ’sclinic in ventures is taking us to ourkitchen we’re going to be making threehops quick cooking oats now let’s getstarted the first thing we are going todo is add in our butter our sugar[Music]ourand now we are going to boil thismixture for a one minutewe’ll be right back we’re back and weare done boiling the mixture and now itwas time to go on to the next step weare going to add our peanut butter andour vanilla extract[Applause]we are done they stick it in and now weare going to add it our oatssir to them we’re done mixing index tomixture and now it is time to put thecookie mixture onto a wire onto a traywith parchment paper on it trick yeahcookie oh and you’re also going to likeput on flat I’m gonna bring up and outwalls because your Ella that’s cool golike you’re not going to put in theupper where the heat would just kind oflike flatten it so you don’t have to putin flat and it’ll be back when we’recomplete we’re done cookie mixture ontothe tray and now you’re gonna let itcool and harden for 20-30 minutes eitherin the fridge or on the counter you’llsee when it’s all done the cookies aredone and now it’s time for the best parttry that there’s nobody withoutchocolaty Ohcreamy dark chocolate and then like kindof like chewy chewy texture so yeahbasically made it very chewy not so it’svery creamy mm-hmm sorry melts in yourmouthyes how’d you take a darkish darkchocolate creamy flavor oh very gooda few minutes like maybe 10 minutes realquick through the fridge for 20 to 3minutes come on playing this you knowthat easy easyWow crushed hmm nothing Rick not bakedOh me a chocolate cookie yeah I wouldwrite itoh right like eight out of ten I’m notthe person who eats a lot of candy stuffall the time so if lenders feeling Iwould eat these why can’t we haveanother just because of how I don’t eatchocolate because it’s very chocolateybut I really like chocolate like timebut i but eight and a half it’s becauseI think my cheese it’s too chewy for myteeth a little cheaper to eat so she gotair inI got attention cuz I don’t watch well I[Applause]really recommend this like if you justwanted something to grab her record toeat and sound like if you wanted to makesomething and you don’t want to bakeanything like you did wine is a lot ofthings you just throw it hot like throwthe four minutes the pot those lastthings mix it upboil it real quick or out and then youshould put French for 20-30 minutes orthe counter and then ultimate[Music]

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