Cookies Recipes


Clean and cook with me 2020

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Song: Altero – Hot Baby (ft. Joey Busse)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC BY 3.0
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Video Transcription

hi welcome to my channel and if you arealready a subscriber welcome back todaywe are baking these delicious birthdaycake cookies we are also cleaning up thehouse because it was a bit of a mess ifyou are new here consider subscribing I[Music]washed the gummy discourtesy because itwas pretty messy even though we don’t gopretty much anywhere these days I dotake her out for walks and she does liketo snack on stuff so I washed her carseat in here I am just putting it allback together[Music]baby now and they warm you up now I amwiping down our glass table and I lovemy glass cleanerI can’t display a Costco you spray it onyour glass and it comes out real foamyand then I just wipe it down with thepaper towelnext are the dishes I like to spray itwith this dawn soap and then let it justlike soap the dawn soap just picks upall of the grease all of the residue[Music]and once I’ve scrubbed all of the disheswe applied on soap I like to get myspray bottle which I add a little bit ofbleach inside this spray bottle and Ilike to spray it onto the scrub a dishesand then I give it a final rinse andthen off I put it to dry up[Music]and now I’m going to fill up themicrowave using that same spray bottlethat I use for my dishes which has againa little bit of bleach and it has waterand I like to make these every day freshif I can[Music]every day and I like to use that dawnspray stuff to spray it on the glasstray that goes inside their microwaveand I swear you guys that such as knocksall that all through there I try toclean the microwave at least once a weekbut you know the kids have been home alot nowadaysso the microwave has been in use almostevery single day my three older kids areat the age now where they can warm upthe leftover dinner or if they want tomake themselves a top ramen or a corndogso our microwave was pretty messy and Iam short and I have a hard time reachingall the way inside the washer so I haveto use these tongs to transfer theclothes from the washing into the dryerI thought that was pretty funny to showyou guys on here baby[Music]and as unclean up the house the childrenwere watching a movie and our vacuumrobot winners : heavens vacuumingsupport me and now I am picking up thetoys from the office I like to keep abasket of toys here sirit got me laughs the baby so when I’mworking she displays herself she wastaking a nap and I started to dig up theoffice and now I am cleaning up theglass on these doors our pups that welikes to put his paws here and the kidslike to put their hands there so I amjust giving it a wipe again with myglass cleaner from Costco – and it wasmuch later in the day and I hadforgotten to give it a good with her mombefore I started baking I cannot cookwith a messy kitchen I don’t know if youguys are at the same way but I cannotcook unless my kitchen is a spotless sothis cookie a recipe is not mine I willmake sure to keep it linked below I juston the hunt for a new cookie recipe andI found this one and it calls for you tocaramelize your white chocolate youbasically get your white chocolate youput it in the microwave for 30 secondsand then you mix and you repeat thisuntil it is a light brown color andwhat’s it’s a nice brown color you justlay it flat on a cookie sheet and thenonce it hardens you didbreak it up into chunks and you save itfor later in the recipe[Music]so now I added cold butter into myKitchen Aid and I am giving it a mix[Music][Music]I added in the sugar now I am adding inthe flour along with the baking powderand the salt again I will make sure tolink the recipe below as this is not myown next I am adding in the sprinkles[Music]and last I am adding in the wetingredients per the recipe which is theeggs and the vanilla extract extract Ican’t say that right now[Music]so I actually just bought thisKitchenAid at this week so this recipeis pretty much a test to see if I likethis KitchenAid or not I did noticethough that when I was mixing the doughit wouldn’t pick up the scraps on thebottom and I had to go into myself witha spatula and sort of assist this theKitchenAid which is a little bitannoying[Music]so this recipe calls for you to measureout their dough into a hundred andtwenty-five grand balls luckily I didhave a scale at home so I went ahead andmeasured out the cookie dough balls intoa hundred and twenty-five grams and thenI expected in the freezer for two hoursper the recipe before I baked it[Music]look at all this goodness raw birthdaycake cookie dough ready for the freezer[Music]and once the balls have been in thefreezer for about two hours or theyprefer overnight you pull ahead and youput it on a cookie sheet and the recipedid ask for you to warm up the cookiesheet first but I thought that thatdidn’t really work out for me so I justwent ahead and stuck it on the cookiesheet and I put it in the oven and therethey are and all of their glory[Music]and here is the final product you guysthis recipe was delicious we were niceand crunchy on the outside soft andillegally on the inside and I willdefinitely make this recipe again for mykiddos and my family and if you guysenjoy this cleaning and bakingmotivation a video consider subscribingand if you already a subscriber thankyou for sticking around to the end ofthis video I’ll see you guys next timebye[Music]

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