Cookies Recipes

Chocolate Chip Cookies With a Toddler – Baking with my son Nael – My Little Chef

Lets bake. Today I have a little guest with me. My son nael 🙂 and we are baking his favorite chocolate chip cookies. Comment down what is you kids favorite food? And if you cook/bake together?

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Video Transcription

welcome back to my channel today as youcan see there is a little segment me andwe are going to make amazing yummychocolate chip cookies and he lovescookies so I thought why not bake itwith him so are you readywell you make cookie[Music]they can be cookies yes so all theimmunes are here because I don’t want tobe richwhy this make me so impatiently we areready to make a lot of these things yesyes darling it okay so we all have tostart with the butter okay butyou’re also going to add some brownsugar it is one cup okay add it add thebrown sugar yeah good job now we are wealso add some granulated sugar or castersugar this is half cup yes good job nowso I’m going to add eggs one by one andbeat them first and then I’m like this[Music][Music]and we also going to add 1/2 teaspoonyeah good so we are going to mix thisall up before adding into the mixtureright before I forget are we also goingto preheat our oven at like 175 degreesso now I’m mixing this WallaI think I forgot to write there are onlylessons we are going to add moreenhancements to this beam just like weadded baking powderyeah thank youI’ll mention that I have structured thisflyer[Music]okay so I cookie dough is almost doneI merely have just have to add some inprofits before that I’m going to saythat if you are in this video pleasegive it a thumbs up and one eye andmaybe hum and also subscribe to ourchannel because if you like this video Idon’t know you like these kind of videoswith Nile or anything related to bakingand I will make more for you so don’tforget to subscribe to my channelchocolate chipsokay night chocolate is okay so you haveto I like two cups of chocolate chips Ialready have all of it I’m going to notjustyour kitchen you made these you’re gonnahear my name okayhave you been cleaning okay so I havetaken like baking tray with some butterpaper and this mixture School Bus I’mgoing to ice cream so that every cookie[Music]this will bake inside for like 15 to 20minutes we are going to check after sometime with how they are hard going andwait yes cookies are going to be shinyare you a Malayaleeokayso our cookies are big now and you’regoing to taste our cookies nylon youexcited kill you so I made like 20apiece in two patches that’s rightokay night let’s try you want to trythis one[Music]do you like itit is like chewy and soft but alsocrispy sweetness is perfect and thankyou so much for watching if you likethis video please don’t forget to thumbsup I hope you liked this video pleasetry this recipe with your kids as wellbecause it’s long down so they will alsoenjoy him through this with you and itwill become more delicious when you makethem with your kids so I’m going to signoff please leave a comment down belowand also subscribe to my channel if youhaven’t already and inshallah we’ll comeback with another what[Music]

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