Bread Recipes

Whole-wheat Banana Bread | Breakfast | Cook Unleashed

An easiest and healthy recipe you’d find on the internet of Banana Bread that I’m so obsessed with and having overripe bananas on hand means either we’re making banana bread or muffins (recipe: )
Do give this recipe a try and enjoy sin-free goodness of banana flavour without worrying about any extra calories 😉

#bananabread #trending #locdownrecipes


Overripe Bananas: 5-6 medium
Wholewheat Flour: 2 cups
Eggs: 2 medium
Light Brown Sugar: 3/4 cup
Oil: 1 cup
Yogurt: 1/4 cup
Vanilla Essence: 1/4 t.sp
Baking Soda: 1 t.sp
Cinnamon Powder: 1 t.sp
Salt: 1/4 t.sp
Walnuts: 1/2 cup

Extra walnuts and some banana slice for decoration.
1 9×4 inches loaf pan (greased & floured)

Bake in a preheated oven on 180C/350F/Gas mark 4 for 30-40 mins or till the tester inserted comes out clean. My oven is fan-forced.

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi and good morning it’s a beautifulmorning here guys and I’m just going togo have my breakfast now which is goingto be banana bread shy but not apparentthat I made yesterday in my own way soI’m just going to show you guys that howI do it let’s start hi guys today wewill be making some banana bread aseverybody’s making it so I thought whynot to make it too but my learning is abit different because I make it with thewhole wheat flour and it I would call ita bit healthy be careful you know solet’s forget that is that what we aregoing to use for this banana bread ofcourse you’ll be needing some overripebananas and some whole wheat flour inthat bowl I’ve already added some bakingsoda along with some salt and freshlyground cinnamon powder we’ve been eatingsome light brown sugar some vegetableoil a bit of yoghurt if you don’t haveit and you can use milk but it does givea little more moisture to the bride sowhile I chooseyogurt otherwise you can use the milktoo or you can skip it all together ifyou wantso we’ve been eating some any type ofnut that you’d like I have some walnutsat home so I’m using those otherwise youcan use pecan nuts almonds or any othernot to you like to add so I also hadsome raisins and desiccated coconut inmy bread but since I don’t have thatthose at home like on hand at the momentso of course we need to skip that butyou know the more merrier the moreyou’re going to add you know good stuffto your gratis cookies be more flavorfulanyways we be needing a couple of eggsand some vanilla essence and of course alittle fan if you don’t have an oldfamily things around and any other fanyou have to be honest doesn’t make anydifference at the end of the day you arejust going to have it read that that’swhat matters so let’s see how we’regoing to make the spread let’s start[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]I couldn’t wait any longer and just cuta slice right away but I would suggestit let it cool completely before youstart cutting it this bread is bestserved warm or at room temperature butto be honest I’ve had it cold as welland it was too equally delicious you cankeep this bread up to a week and it ismildly sweet so if you want you canspread over some butter or jam if youlike but I like it on its own because ithas its own significant flavor which isdeliciousthat’s all for now guys I hope you guysare going to give this recipe a try andwe’ll leave feedback as always all ofthe ingredients and their measurementsalong with all of my social mediahandles I mentioned in the descriptionbox below keep liking keep sharing anddo subscribe if you haven’t alreadyshall be seeing you guys again withanother of my recipes in the meantimeplease stay home stay safe and take goodcare of yourself and of your loved onesbye

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