I’ll show you how to make delicious, easy and cheap bread rolls that’ll have your kids queuing to stuff them full of salad (well it works with mine anyway!). This recipe makes 7 bread rolls for $1.30, so a nice cheap lunch for the family! Full recipe below.
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In a large bowl, mix 4 teaspoons of sugar with 2.5 cups of warm water.
Add 3 tablespoons of yeast, mix and wait a couple of minutes until it goes frothy.
Add 6 cups of flour and 4 teaspoons of salt and mix to combine.
Turn onto the benchtop and knead for a few minutes until thoroughly combined and dough is slightly spongy, adding a bit more flour if needed.
Put back in the bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.
Turn out and give another quick knead, roll out onto benchtop and form breadroll shapes as demonstrated (sorry I just don’t know how to describe how I did it!)
Cover with a tea towel and leave them for another 30 minutes in a warm place.
Brush with either an eggwash or milk, add topping if you like (I used cheese and rolled oats), make slits on the top with a bread knife and bake in a preheated oven at 190oC for 20-25 minutes.
Leave them to cool slightly before cutting into or they will be slightly doughy!
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello i’m sarah and i’m going to showyou a very easybread roll recipe so this is this is onethat is an absolute hitwith my kids and you will needabout two and a half cups of warm waternow when i say warm waternot not boiling hot not just tepid youwant it so thatyou can almost not touch it like as ashot as the tap water gets that sort ofhot soi just get it straight out of it youknow i let the warm tap water run but ifyou prefer to justyou know boil it and then let it cooldown a bit[Music]and we want four teaspoons of sugar intohereso then we’ve got three tablespoons ofyeasti’ve recently discovered this stuff weactually got this from a bulkwholesaler’s placebakel’s yeast when um just before thelockdown because the supermarket ran outof yeast but i’ve just discovered lasttime i went to pack and saved they werestocking ityay so it was 4.85from memory for 500 grams of this stuffi mean that that is like that’s half thecost of the other stuff that i wasbuyingand it is really good[Music]we’re just giving that a good mix upand if we just leave that for a coupleof minutesthe yeast will actually just start tofroth up and that is a good signthat it’s activatingall right there we go so it’s startingto go nice and frothythen we’ll look at adding the flour intothe mix all right do you know she’s upto my shoulderwe discovered that the other day she’snow up to my shoulder it’s notacceptableso we’re going to put in about half whatdo you want to do six cups of flouris this number one you mean yes that isscoop number one so on six cups of flourbut um leave the flour out because youmay need a further cup[Music]hey with coffee spillage carnageyou need four teaspoons of saltso as far as ingredients goes that is itso i’m just going to get a spoon aboutmixing this all in[Music]this yeast has gone really really frothyaround the edges nowi’ve got that to the stage where it’ssort of not not too stickyso i’m going to tip this onto the benchwe’re going to give this a bit of akneadnow i’m not a big fan of intensivekneadingand this is where if you need to add abit more flour as you need itit might start to start to feel stickyagainso you know if if you do need to add alittle bit more flourbut you just want this till it’s reallyreally all well incorporated it’lland then you only need about two minutesyou just want to work the dough nicelyand just make sure it is all reallyreallywell mixed in because you don’t sort ofwant any pockets of dry flour oranything in therethis is looking pretty good now itshould sort of be at the point whereyou push your fingers down it’ll justspring back slightlythis goes kind of cushiony soi want to leave this i want to put thisback in its bowlcover it up and leave itfor about 30 minutesit helps if you’re in a nice warm roommy microwave pan fits perfectly on herevery handythat has risen up it is looking lovelyi’ll tip this out onto the bench alittle bit all the way againso we don’t get too sticky[Music]again yeah that you don’t need to kneadit for a great length of time justyou know give it a good smoosh aroundget all the air out make sure it’s allnice and smooth now what i’m going to dois i get my rolling pinand we’re going to smush thisall over the bench[Music]you can actually get the shape of thesehowever you want this is just the waythat i findthe easiest it just works best for mei’m going to get a knife i’m just goingto eat like abutter knife and i chop it into aboutthree[Music]and then roll it up[Music]squish it up push the ends over andi’ve got a nonstick nonstick meat on thetray therepop that onto an oven tray[Music][Music]so there we go now we’re just going toput a tea towel over themcover them up again leave them in a nicewarm place i’m just going to leave themon the beach hereshining on it and it’s nice soi’m just going to cover them up leavethem for about another 20 minutes tohalf an hourand we’ll see you back here[Music]for the chaos here i’ll just be makingmuffins at the same time howeverlet’s be moving these around so theystay on the side look at themare they looking beautiful now to dothis you can either useegg with a bit of water or i just use abit of milkand what it does is it just gives them areally really nice sort ofnice sort of brownish crust i put thatoven up to about 190 degrees celsiuswhich is about 375 fahrenheitjust gonna give these a nice brush andit also means you can sprinkle stuff ontoplike i i like to make them look a bitlike subwayyou can put like rolled oats on top ofthem or sprinkle a bit of cheeseinteresting factoid when you go tosubwayand they give you those that you knowthey wrap the wrap the bread rolls andthose big wrappersyou can reuse them because they’re justlike wax waxy paperthere’s no reason you can’t bring themhome give them a bit of a whineand reuse them and you send the kidsto school with one of thesewrapped up like subway and they will bea legend in their own classroomand i mean there’s no reason youcouldn’tyou couldn’t swap it out for a wholemeal flour oreven if you wanted to like mix in somechia seeds or something with the loavesi’m just sprinklingsome rolled oats on top of some of thesemake them look fancy remember anyany kind of seeds or whatever this isjust a really nice cheap option formaking it look fancy as rolled oats alsobefore i put the cheese on i’m gonnaget a knife and just very very slightlyput a few slits in now not only doesthisactually make it look pretty butthey will rise up a little bit more asthey’re baking so it just gives them anice littlea thing to rise around i suppose itdoesn’t it doesn’t go splitting ithalfway through oryou know just gives it a bit of givesthe bread a bit of relief i supposegives it a place to rise frombut maybe it looks prettywho doesn’t love a cheesy bread roll ohyeahi’m going to chuck them in the oven forbetween20 to 25 minutes just keep checking theyou know check them after about 20minutes and see if they look done i’llumi’ll show you what the indicator is totell if they’ve done itcheck those out don’tput your head in the oven little testyou dojust grab one tap it on the bottomif it sounds like it’s hollow on theinside like that one didthey cooked so now’s the hard bit we’lljust leave themleave them to cool down just for alittle bit because otherwise they’ll belike really really doughyin the middle if you cut into themstraight away so just let them cool fora little bitwhile you get all your fillings readyand then we’re going to pouncei’m going to slice these over i’m goingto do a subway styleokay just put this one slightly on anangle like they doplease can i slice minelook at that that is still nice and warmnow these sandwiches have beenprofessionally constructed um are youguys going to bedining in or taking awaydining you’re going to dine it so yeahas i say clint actually went into subwayand asked them get off the store you’retoo cool and asked him if he could havesome of the wrappers and they just gavehim the whole heapcomplete with the stickers on them andeverything soso let’s see they usually start from thecorner don’t they like[Applause]our first ordernow this yeast by the way if anyone ummakes my no need bread recipei’ve actually found with this yeast itdoes help ifit’s if i mean if it’s working fine thengreatstick with what you’re doing if not itdoes help just to adda little teaspoon of sugar and with thisbecause sugar and yeast are like bestmates they helpthe the yeast kind of feeds off thesugar soyou know if you do if you do use mybread recipeand you find it’s a little bit on thedense side whichsometimes sometimes i did sometimes ididn’t but once i switched to this yeasti actually found i’d start doing thingsa little bit differently i add a littleteaspoon of sugarin with the yeast at the start and iactually don’t add the sultan straightaway with the yeast because yeast andsalt often don’t act nicely togetherso i often add the sultan just after theflour so here you go justa quick tip[Music]you