How to make Nigeria bread recipe
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys welcome back to my channel intoday’s video I will be showing you howI make my home braids so nice nutslet me show you how I make the bread athome so this is my flower and this hereis my shooter I have thought I havebottle I have elk I have my ears and Ihave milk my roommate on here I havesome waterso place that so inside this flower I’llbe adding in my sugar let me measure thesugarSiri so legacy for tbsp of things okayfor this flower here so I will mixproperly so I will add in salsa just ita half the quarter teaspoon of saltso right now I will keep my trikerodenticide and I open got the whitebowl so I will transform I make insidehere my omelet inside yeah so are we addin my my just add a little water are weadd in my mug regarding some culture[Music]so right now are we adding my gravybecause I’ll be adding in my gradientand they’ll make it very well with myhandsOh guys I’m just missing much and I geta buff a daughter I watch I just addedsome flour inside to get us what I watch[Music]so right now I will just add in my -here on music profileno just translate back to the initialand misses me tooso guys you can see the dough I willtake my time to miss it properly to getthis so I will come by this to stay forlike thirty minutes I will come back tostay in one place for 30 minute allow 20guys I just want to show you the door sothis is how it look you can see that thesize is stupid already so now we justneed to hold it to the shape down oncewe one pad so I need the round shape solet me start by cutting edgeso I’m going to be using mine my gascook nuts my oven so I will show you howto use gas cooker and and um see whatI’m going to be using to make my partI’ve rubbed in my brother in and I putsome flour so so that the bread we havea nice shape so that is one and thisyou just need to ship its same size soeverything will look normalso that’s all I need right now is tocover it I’ll keep it for 10 minutes in15 minutes I will be back all rightso there’s the last one I’m still goingto karate stand keep it aside for 15minutes so guys when we are waiting forthe 15 minute I just have my post on thefire and I’m going to put it on a lowheat so this inside you are saying issalt so I’m picking it with this pot andthis is how we do it so we wait for 15minutes only low heats it fits chiefJung Min next time and this is the doughneeds it so we have to put it on theheads for baking so this is it I’m justgoing to cover the first one is underthen I cover it with this oneso I’m just going to cover it for toostiff for 45 minuteslet’s wait for 45 minutes and I’ll prayto be readyhello guys it’s 45 minutes and this isthe result of the bread and this is theone on top so that one is turn the firewe’re still waitingso this one is ready let’s check it outso let’s check the bread stick heart isstill very hot oh very very hard it’svery hard you can achieve this cameraso guys you can see the bread howdelicious it is how yummy your bread isyou can see you can see operate now thisis very soon yummy yummy so tester soguys you can see the bread is so yummyand tasty see this how to make yourperfect bread you can see this one cango for the anything you want to use itfor but it’s awesomeperfect perfect bridge perfect super fitso guys subscribe to my channel andfollow me on my Instagram page lovelylovely lovely young man