Bread Recipes

How to make bread crumbs for Pandesal and Spanish Bread

This is how I make my own bread crumbs for Pandesal and Spanish Bread. Very easy to do, all you need is 1 whole Tasty bread (aka sandwich bread), and of course, oven to toast the bread. You can crush the toasted bread anyway you like. I have shown several methods that I have used in the past. Feel free to share your own method on how to crush a toasted bread into tiny bits and pieces. 🙂

Pandesal Recipe:

Pandesal Recipe baked in a toaster oven:

Spanish Bread:

Original of the video here

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[Música]y eso de la sambaiaunqueaquíholayla papaahun proceso así está el problema[Música]ah[Música][Aplausos]bienyy[Música][Música]

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