Bread Recipes

How to Make Bread Gulab Jamun||Bread Gulab Jamun receipe||Sweet receipe||ബ്രഡ് ഗുലാബ് ജാമുൻ

How to Make Bread Gulab Jamun||Bread Gulab Jamun receipe||Sweet receipe||ബ്രഡ് ഗുലാബ് ജാമുൻ
Hai friends,
Bread -6 Slices
Milk-5 Tbsn
Sugar-1 ½ cup
Water-2 cup
Oil for frying
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Vandana Ajai

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi friends welcome back but I reallylike a lover to swallow the number nokampala do its eat arugula of German andback another CPM either tell you partakeanomaly villager injury in the cementAcademy did anybody come back here theTibetan Allah I love the choice here nono we didn’t even lift up a talent likeyou share in TN I want anything gonnafeedback a comment suppose to any marketbloody murder and the channel economyEnglish subscribe me a marker de cocoabread gulab jamun and that Nagini ánotáeven earn our bread that agenda numberthe sadhana white bread down Reginaanything decide at you know cut a thirdColonel Everton Jana and they decidedyou look at either the tundra in Islamica series at a – tengo la camisa dechelly ser la lingua Muro Anaya andincaviligia led to the podium Janna pumpaara vibrated with the touch area goshmangle Anita other Sharia jar not it onthe petition wanna bother you in thepoor shortage and about cured on thepetition come pommel running an app fordischarge agenda that’s an animal a bodysure the Quran nyan omeka we’ll examineyou in it on the quadrature the crime Iknow it a lota ng tablespoon pile andwe’re kinda foggy remove the tbsp oilchip is endemic seal Erica our breadslice the salon and JanaAngie tablespoon paya Lebar negativeabroadJapan lithium atom inept link is not anAnglophone desirable decision accountcoarser a moderate any given up on theway our come under a tree Starla otherone Dona Anna I eat three madam I’mgonna sugar syrup in the Mohammedregional down so low a boy the new cardshould return animal art our tin Vuongaccorded to belém Padukone and cheeredup Li Li tailed on the mix see that canlevel the piles in the novel in ears inthe cursor courts apportionment and whowill kill me to riobamba Locker pretendacidic and a garam masala either howdied under the GI bar ella ella softerthunderdrum you know to pressure Keikoto Canada if I will appear you cannotthe ball is soft I tell you at the tablemozzarella open crack sealant every kindof pressure called quasi here thegranular either a binder hard of agateor sugar syrup okay or theta or a cracksilly I can open your eyes James oncrack something cracker no value downpyramid sugar syrup Eden book will haveGerman more in you go baboon de criedsomething other than I so move try it onwe’re appeared that soft I to the fourth- Sam you do come at a perfect shapebelow I have an idea and that is alreadylow temperature Golconda guru TNT cannonis not a killer every penny I knowroutier too tender our bread slices willshoot in the mug up and rent and over tadekhe develop another new low or a 9/10inside of wayno coupon run tandem or bread sliceswhich it will tear come back to youresize on when everybody says theycannot even numberless are no gulabjamun double and double size our Dillertop now I’m gonna shower on the languagesingle teaspoon baking soda order Chakaa linear and we are double size saltsugar syrup irritable he the pump Ameliasighs in Hobbiton Delia passionless Olafdelicate yarmulke Navarro telecom andthen I let you like Anita gravel andnikita oka Rohan England and now gotogetherwhen I let you wouldn’t let me load itup they got anything in it or a spoonwill sit on we’re a Dakota graph againstPalmer Chatterjee in Assam a the heartI’ll teach you here the beautifulrecipient Amazonian lamella soft atValencian itColonel Brad guy would have backed anappalling evil spawn by sitting in acontinuously the vertical take up amedium to low flame which it won oncyanide[Music]you[Music][Music]- and the choleric Emma little acid willboil Carlton denominator and thencritical ear golden-brown color aroundthe very in the pricier given a goldenbrown color right children and then theythought turn and go digital and writeanything on no matter in in America inany way indeed like sugar self parodyaccount anyway in return yharnam causerecurring Yoruba throat hmm anotherthought America punches I read anentropyoh my damn Google aware I’m the waterunder the pitcher come on their cup openthis area near Kaena I’ll order triangleis a pot and all children underin the morning like I sell support eachother night and a laka fungus I reallyknow very honor and eco divino knownight up and decide on the melt item[Music]upon the side I can an item enter Jannahin eternal night the tell economy butthey tell a touring you tonight Unitedtell that you on the total I mean Jim intonight the garden that I cannot and Ithink sugar set up but nobody sound arenot telling us if you like a parrot areaone string dhoolpeta woman again andwell then open our the puck she willpick thirdly the zero power and theneveryday internet taillights it Anitaorange even to return atomic becamewritten on a little syrup over arelative type non-linear to knockmonolithic kite ID give me sugar syrupparticular awesome it now i can order enumber of prices will sink in the ballsif to vodka mr. Worf is attila andlabels we don’t understand and i not onthe cat on the red you bump stop youjust turn the lucky another and a secondalbum star wall fear when your step offyou booster war feel it on there andthen no no not at you eh yeah eh eh ohoh – either manicure lingual manicuregranite know about korres i mean caranita LM nokia MIDInella soft icon color but I demonic yogayou know him jamming our Diwali softride a sugar self-elected a product whenyour energy on cam sawed-off JarrettAllah will answer whenever there aresofter whereabouts little at themortuary job[Music]and analyze Diwali so often illegalabdominal wall a patent on eitherconducted by Leo Luna tries you knowchrome meeting dished up eternal anguishenergy and and well as channel subscribevisit let me subscribe in Americafather mukada radiator we in danger by[Music]you

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