Ready to bake a loaf of white bread in your bread machine?
I am here to help and let me say, “It is an easy feat!”
Here is a link to the written basic white bread recipe:
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]what’s up YouTube I’m backthis is Deanna with the fiery whisk sotoday we are going to bake some breadthe easy way okay I don’t have it like astarter and all of that but what I dohave is this that’s my bread machinethat’s how I make bread so we’re gonnarun through a basic white bread recipeI’m sorry I think there’s a glare on myglasses from the window so let’s seethere you go is that new batter so we’regonna do basic white bread and the keyto this is putting the ingredients intothe bread pan in the exact order thatthe recipe calls for using exactingredients and putting them in in theexact order that the recipe says don’ttry and vary 8 be creative any of thatjust go in order okay so I am going towalk over here and I am going to removemy bread box as I call from my breadmaker okay this is really interestingright here when you take it out anythingyou have inside any liquid comes likeshooting out the hole so you have tomake sure that it’s in there and thenthe only thing about that is like thethis right here and then that littleknob it you know shows after you bakethe bread but it’s okay because thebread tastes so good it’s worth it soI’m gonna start my water because youwant to start out with hot water therecipe says 85 to 105 degrees Fahrenheitso what I like to do is my water getspretty hot so I just wait until it’sreally hot to the touch and then I putit in here we’re gonna do one coupleit’s hot it’s ready one cup of hot waterand I like to get itwe write like to the brim okay so we’regonna do that we’re gonna put it in thehot water first okay and then goes in 1tablespoon of butter which I have readyand after you place it in there the hotwater starts to melt it really nicelythen we’re going to add a tablespoon ofdry milk powder now I have to tell yousince the whole Kovan thing the dry milkpowder and yeast have been really hardto find but I found them on Amazon herelet me move this over so you can seeokay so we’re gonna sprinkle in the drymilk powder now right over the top ofthe water and the butter okay and thenwe’re gonna add sugar so that week callsfor one and a half tablespoon so we’regonna do one and a half I just do halfof the one okay sugar and then it callsfor 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt waitingfor me over here I don’t like to measuresalt over the bowl then I’m preparing myfood in because you think it’s crazy andlike spews out everything I put in thereis ruined so 3/4 of a teaspoon of saltright in there and then we’re gonna addthe flour which I have over here oh manI suppose some yeast my precious yeastokay so we’re gonna do 2 and 1/4 cups offlour I’m just righttwo and one-fourth all right and thenlastly the recipe tells us to add theyeast okay which is rapid like instantyeast okaythere’s different kinds of yeast soyou’ve got traditional yeast and thenyou’ve got like an instant like rapidquick rise yeast so this one is therapid quick rise and it’s one and a halfteaspoons this I’ll measure over herecuz if it spills in a little and I get alittle extra you know poof that’s okayalready so we’ve got one and a half ateaspoon so this little pack right hereusually it’ll make two of these loavesbut sometimes it’ll it’ll give me twoand then a little more for the next oneso basically that’s it you’ve goteverything in here see the yeast on topand I’m gonna go pop it back into mybread maker alright so the pop it inclose the lid and then you hit programselect which mine is already set so it’sset for bread and if this one gives meoptions if I want light medium or darklook I like a medium wealth so that’swhat mine is set on and all I do ispress start and it starts meeting nowit’s a long process I don’t think youcan see that but it says three hours and40 minutes but that includes everythingthat includes the kneading the risingthe baking and the cooling so we’regonna have to wait well you’re not but Iam I’m gonna have to wait like threeover three hours to finish this video toshow you thefor bread but you know what it’s soworth it because there’s nopreservatives in here so yeah it may notlast as long like on the shelf as astandard loaf of bread but the taste isabsolutely amazing so let me let thatbake up and then I will be back prettymuch guaranteed this time that it won’tbe light outside I know I’ve said thatbefore but like three and a half hoursyeah but it’s okay we’ll come back I’llshow you how to remove it from the panand then you know what taste see you[Music]