#breadpocket #vegrecipe #snacks
ബ്രഡ് പോക്കറ്റ്
ഇത് വളരെ എളുപ്പം തയ്യാറാക്കാവുന്ന ഒരു നോമ്പുതുറ സ്നാക്ക് റെസിപ്പി ആണ് …ഇതിൽ വെജിറ്റബിൾസിന്റെ കൂടെ ചിക്കനോ, മട്ടനോ, ബീഫോ, വേവിച്ചു ചേർത്തു നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പരീക്ഷിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്..
ഈ റെസിപ്പി ഇഷ്ട്ടപ്പെട്ടാൽ എന്റെ ചാനൽ ഒന്നു സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യണേ…
Bread – 10 slice
Egg – 3 nos
Cread crumbs
onion – 1small
Carrot – 1
Cabbage –
Potato- 2 small
Garam masala – 1 tsp
Pepper powder -1tsp
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#breadpocketrecipe #vegitablebreadpocket #breadrecipe #breadpocketrecipeinhomelymasala #snacksrecipe #vegsnacksrecipe #homelymasala
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi friends lr come home Lima Salida putthe a video related swaggerAvignon in an English share in of thearomatherapy la havana vegetable redpocket the chicken Lou Martin la cucharaCarla’s on up on them to video relayCubaanyone in England is holiday Tanikaanother angler on the subscribe iya codavelvet numbered in the Kiki[Music]yanira maintain a normal type of blooddonor each other up on the side of conethe cocktail Erica tendon or amicivegetarian or got taken apart a that themight in the portion of co robic andAvila other for the channel shown on thepanel it of electorate allan emkinelaborate crumbs i Finn and my anotherMuno Kolbert I did settle on resemblingthe etiquette a the whichever at Dacormotel on the multi initiationbreadcrumbs in opposing Here Come[Music]Avignon approver Anja bread broke itdown and on the upper path the slice ofbread banner tada[Music]phenomena regime if the bread deliveredin irritated bread comes in a pose inhere a certain death he has decided themorrow nobody chordoma telemovieinitiation on the body that comes alongthe Pozniak up your pan Lake Havasu nooil or a sensation number and as theyagriculture bread related to foodshittaka a person on the night of goldencolor I initiation golden brown color Iinitiation and the master toto come uponthe radiate in the epidemic my dear carthe body vacuum or even inside Ericayounger pan Lake Accord generalizationfor the Saguaropochittona mark Erica just to NevadaKatie a medieval lava in the QuranYvonne Aranda[Music]the lake in hanoi the character quartercables you on a chair thought of anothervegetable second epistle atrás al saudchrist elevated a versatile our abilityarthur vakha Janna patricia our canola[Music]it double just turn the body on thetrinda up at the lake in Jana masalaArthur kind of garam masala pepperpowder Martha Arthur Canada Albertateaspoon garam masala or it or ateaspoon cudamalloc over Dean John a ourThoreau canal done on night mix a theircup any I need Leakey jerk anotherrender Chile you would like an open jarto pouring your sadhana apples in anight in masala like your comics al ortake a picture[Music]nee-sama to pinaki Tokoroa angle in theair Thornton but um the feeling ofRadian he I’m gonna active for thischoice jared vennett mogul bucket on thekataoka then the bread they need a loadon the correct a the word comedy a pathinto real a little space in the bodypocket of all a and then you’ll awakenI’m a linear thing like you feelingsurvey so takanakuy your Nana checkanother teaspoon it’s a gigantic columnfor Tony ECI Tony other kaiyuan decisionMilan[Music]upon them the bread pocket of a DiannaMolitor taste you know Valerius Janawith Engel allowed on the try is mochaclean Davidian in Christopher Ingrahamlike Kia Sharia subscribeee I would havewell but no good in a clicky[Music]