A simple guide on how to make a special kind of italian donut, and how to fill it with a copious amount of nutella. Enough said.
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Music – Jef Kaale: https://soundcloud.com/jeff-kaale
Recipe Adapted from: https://www.theperfectloaf.com/naturally-leavened-bomboloni-doughnuts/
Ingredients you’ll need:
2.5 teaspoons (10g) instant yeast
1/2 cup (115g lukewarm water
2 cups (255g) bread flour
2 cups (255g) all purpose flour
1.5 teaspoons (10g) kosher salt
1/2 cup (107g) granulated sugar
3 large eggs
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon (90g) unsalted butter at room temp
Straight up nutella.
Other fillings:
seedless jams and jellies
whipped cream
pastry cream
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
bomboloni but bomboloni their Dylan’sand their stuff with Nutella you’rewelcome[Music]so bomboloni or at least that’s what Ithink the correct pronunciation is ifit’s not I’m sorry these are essentiallyItalian stuff doughnuts sort of like ajelly filled or a cream filled donut thecool thing about bomboloni is that theycan be stuffed with just about anythingand they’re extremely easy to make inthis case we’re doing Nutella becauseI’m disgusting let me just say somethingreally quick that I just found outbomboloni it basically means bomb orgrenade in Italian or something likethat it roughly translates to that whichI find completely hilarious somereferences say that it resembles agrenade I don’t know if I agree withthat I think it’s more leaning towards acaloric bomb I mean one of these has tohave like 60 Cal we won’t talk aboutthat if you close your eyes while you’reeatingthen the calories cease to exist becauseyou’re not acknowledging them neveracknowledge negativity in your lifesometimes you you just need to eat adoughnut we’re gonna start with 10 gramsor two and a half teaspoons of instantgranulated yeast we’re gonna pour thatdirectly into a hundred and fifteengrams or half a cup of lukewarm watergive that a little stir and just letthat sit for about 10 minutes to bloomyou’ll know it’s ready once it’s gottenall frothy and bubbly like this oncethat’s done we’re gonna make our doughyou’re gonna start with a stand mixerfitted with a dough hook attachment tothat you’re gonna add 255 grams or 2cups of all-purpose flour and 255 gramsor 2 cups of bread flour and you know Iwas almost there and then boom ithappened again look at that and thenwatch this this is a really classicFrench cleanup technique yeah thenyou’re gonna add 10 grams or 1 and ahalf teaspoons of kosher salt and the107 grams are half a cup of granulatedsugar turn your mixer on and give it alittle stir to make sure everything’sthoroughly incorporated I also use myhand to be extra sure now we just needto add the rest of the ingredients forthe dough I like to do this by firstcracking all three of my whole eggs intomy yeast make sure to make it for easypouring with your mixer running onmedium low speed go ahead and pour inyour egg and yeast mixture followed bytwo egg yolks so that’s three whole eggsand two egg yolks that are in the rightsounds a little confusing but you knowyou get it now lastly 90 grams are aquarter cup plus one tablespoon ofsoftened unsalted butter then justcontinue to mix it on medium low speeduntil everything becomes incorporatedscraping down the sides of the bowloccasionally once you’ve formed acohesive dough increase your mixer speedto medium and let it mix the dough forfour minutes or until you get a nicesmooth elastic dough once that’s doneturn off your mixer remove your doughfrom the mixer and transfer it to awell-oiled large mixing bowl cover thatbowl entirely with plastic wrap andallow to rise for two hours in a warmarea or until it’s two and a half timesits original size and for those of youwho might ask when I say a warmenvironment I mean around 78 degreesFahrenheit of course I’m gonna use myfermentation station in order tomaintain that consistent warm ambienttemperature once that’s properly risengenerously flower a work surface using afloured hand work your dough onto thefloured work surface gently shape yourdough into a rough rectangle lightlyflour the top of your dough and thenusing a rolling pin roll your dough outuntil it’s 1/2 of an inch thick uselight dusting of flour as needed toprevent the dough from sticking using athree inch circular biscuit cutter punchout as many circles of the dough as youcanoh and I almost forgot to mention have agenerously floured baking sheet next toyou as a landing tray for your finishedpieces of dough and just repeat thatprocess of cutting and transferringdough cutting and transferring doughleaving one inch of space in betweeneach circular piece of dough becausethey’re gonna spread a little bit whenthey’re resting now that we’ve got allof our dough rounds we’re gonna coverthis rimmed baking sheet with anotherequally sized rimmed baking sheet justto cover it so that it doesn’t dry outwhile they’re proofing in a warm areafor one and a half hours or untilthey’re 2 and a half times theiroriginal size again as for the warm areahere you can absolutely use your oventurned off with just the light on andthat’ll create enough heat now this partis totally optional but once your doughis fully proved you can place it in therefrigerator to chill and firm up alittle bit as you’re setting up your frystation that way at a dough is a littleeasier to handle when you’re frying thedonut totally optional though nextyou’re gonna wanna a deep heavy bottompot fitted with a candy thermometer or afry oil thermometer these are supercheap and you can get them at thegrocery store for like five bucksreally recommend getting one next you’regonna fill that pot with about three anda half inches of high smoke point oilthis can be vegetable oil avocado oilwhatever you want it could even beanimal fat like lard I actually like touse lard but I didn’t have any on handand I was kind of in a hurry now you’regonna go ahead and heat that oil up to350 degrees Fahrenheit you’re gonna wantto maintain that temperature asconsistently as possible while fryingyou don’t really want to go above orbelow that just try and keep it at 350now to set up our fry station so as youcan see to your left I have a sheet traywith a wire rack on top of it and thenI’m gonna place paper towels on top ofthat wire rack this is basically gonnaact as a landing and draining spot foryour finished fried donuts and I alsohave a wire frying spider but you couldalso use a metal slotted spoon using aspatula to gently lift the dough massesoff of the sheet tray you’re gonnacarefully lay your Donuts two or threeat a time into the fry oil 350 degreesFahrenheit and you’re simply just gonnalet them float there and fry for 2 to 3minutes or until they’re golden brown onthat side then gently flip them and frythem on the opposite side for anothertwo to three minutes or until that sideis golden brown as well then simplytransfer them to your landing zone tolet them drain and cool once that batchof donuts has had a few seconds to draina little bit you’re going to want totoss them in granulated sugar but waitand make sure that you’re tossing themin the sugar while they’re still warm orhot that way the sugar sticks then allyou got to do is repeat that processwith all of your remaining donut roundsand you’re done well you’re almost donenow we’re gonna fill the donuts so thisparts really easy all you need to do isusing a chopstick or a wooden skewerpoke a hole in the side about halfwaydeep into the donut and sort of jostleit around to create a little extra roomfor the filling make sure that you’renot poking out any other parts of theside or you’re not poking too deep onceyou’ve done that insert a Nutella fillpiping bag fitted with a nozzle and fillyour donuts with the desired amount offilling now you’ll know that there’senough when it starts to push yourpiping bag out of the donutasfilling it then just repeat that processwith all of your Donuts and that’spretty much itwe’ve made it you haven’t and tell usstuff doughnuts assuming that you madethis recipe so without further adoplease enjoy our guys and that is itbomboloni or bomboloni still not surehow to pronounce but I sure do know howto make it there are a lot of doughnutsleft over which I’m definitely not goingto eat all of them I was a one and donewith these doughnuts they are very richmight I recommend bringing it to a partyor to friends or to family but eitherway if you enjoyed this video leave alike subscribe and I will see you nextweek[Music]