This video is about My Movie 5
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]okay first you’re gonna need wetingredients so sunflower oil you’regonna need some milk you’re gonna needsome vanilla extractokay you’re going to need two eggs largebrown now let’s get to it okay guys nowthat we have all the ingredients here wecan start paring them in the bowlsso first what you’re gonna do is you’regetting two bowls one larger than theyounger this one’s gonna be for the wetingredients so we’re gonna pickthemselves the way this dry it’s nicewhite Bowl big but not too big so you’regonna need two cups of flour into thebowl there you go don’t really have tomix dry ingredients because like nothingreally mixed in then you’re gonna needwith your baking powder you’re gonnaneed one tablespoon I might sound like alot but you want your waffle should benice and fluffy and crispy so all rightthen doesn’t itself alright there you gothat’s the dry ingredients down nowyou’re gonna set this both side we’regoing to do wet ingredientsokay guys now that we’re doingneed to add a little bit of saltokay wet ingredients you’re gonna needthe larger bowl because you’re gonnacombine the dry ingredients into thisbowl all right you’re gonna start outwith your eggs crack in two eggs intothe bowl doesn’t matter how you crackthem just try not to get any people weneed the show thingies in okay nowyou’re gonna put in the milk you’regonna need one and 3/4 of a cup of milkso there you go sort of flavor you’regonna add a tablespoon of vanillaextract doesn’t have to be a tablespoonmore like 1/2 you’re like 3 3/4 don’twant to put too much because that stuffis really strong so that’s about it 6tablespoons of oil okay guys now we haveour hand mixer right here and we’regonna mix up the wet ingredientsokay so when they’re nice and bubblyjust like here nice and fluffy just likethat bunch of bubbles in there you’regonna add the dry ingredients into thisbowl alright okay and now that your wetingredients are mixed you’re gonna addthe dry ingredients slowly while you’remixing theseall right there you go here’s our nicewaffle iron we’re gonna take a spatulalike this and you should just check theconsistency it should not be too heavyit should be nice watery liquid justlike so right there all rightso you’re gonna take a full spoon ofspatula just like so you’re gonna waitfor all of it to drip out and then onceit’s wet out wait first you got to putsome cooked in oil on it all right so weuse coconut coconut oil spray right herefrom Trader Joe’s it’s great oh and youneed to do the top too so that doesn’tstick to the top all right that’s goodfor nowwaffle now you want to spread yourwaffle just like so if you want to bethe stickiest consistency now if youwant it to be crispy you can put alittle on just like thatand close it down all right there you golet that sit for about five minutes orso keep checking on it once in a whiledoesn’t matter if you lift it and letall the air out it doesn’t really ummatter but there you go how to makewaffles in five minutes we’ll show youthe end producthey guys the final product is finallyherechocolate chip I added some to mine justbecause you know for a little extraflavor flavor thank you guys so much forwatching if you liked the video pleasedrop a like comment down below subscribehit the ball with for notifications soyou don’t miss out on any of my videosthank you guys so muchsee in the next one[Music]