Waffles Recipes

How to Make Protein Waffles!

Andrew and I making some THICK protein waffles.
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hey what’s up guys so we can practice
right now we’re gonna Andrew how little
bro day today
yep yeah we’re taking out we don’t have
any plans yet we’re just gonna make
breakfast but obviously you guys how I
keep my breakfast low-calorie including
a me like Kodiak cakes cupcakes but yeah
yeah what do you make some waffles let’s
do it
waffle time all the time alright so guys
we’re using 28 cakes I am making waffles
for three people
someone show you guys how I do that I
make my little difference I make theirs
theirs first and I put some protein
powder in Michael get one more way in
there let me start off getting three
half cups to each half cup is 190
Andrews gonna show you guys how to make
some eggs later yeah yep I’m the egg guy
three right there
and then I’ll use water if I want it to
taste a little better and I didn’t care
about powers of probably use milk but
I’m trying to keep calories lower using
water start with one cup so there’s a
one and a half cup right now what you
doing cutting the shrubs hey Cathy you
think throw an egg in there too
cuz when you’re making waffles with that
oil yeah eggs are healthier okay all
secret ingredient – in America’s
because I feel a little vanilla splendor
see ya alright and that’s the battery we
use for Andrew and now it and then again
it comes to me I’m gonna throw it a
little bit of like half a scoop of whey
powder to it alright traffic OOP see
what you’re doing
Oh perfect honey tell myself oh are you
want to play don’t miss it oops yeah try
not to but really not you don’t we get a
little close-up shot of the eggs cooking
so let’s see what’s happening oh they
look good delicious almost done
they need some salt and pepper though
true you want to pour it in Ariana first
she’d get too much on there
Oh chef Andrew over here you don’t broke
put up in there no I mean it can break
sometimes it’s just it’s not really
about what you messed up no it’s not
like they’re about butter grapes it’s
about how good it cooks hmm
it’s still gonna cook fine with that
gonna cook fine broken
alright hey guys so here’s the eggs that
we’ve been cooking I put a lid on it the
reason we put a lid on it is because
then all the heat from the pan it rises
up but with the lid it bounces back down
onto the eggs so it helped it helps the
eggs cook faster and it’s just easy
smooth so so in my is 190 calories from
the from the waffle mix and we have
water for nothing and then we have about
a third of an eighth you just put this
into three people and then half of this
this is like about sixty calories plus
one ninety it’s about 250 Oh interesting
is that egg going alright so yeah things
only about 250 to 300 calories so far
all right this is my waffle right here
we got we got some reduced sugar syrup
on there some strawberries some
sugar-free syrup and then some resis
whipped cream all those toppings
combined come out to like under 50
calories so not too bad then we got
Andrew over here we put it simple oh
it’s not messed up just got cooked
oh man I’m savory all the way alright
let us know in the comments if you’re a
sweet or savory fan mmm hmm can’t wait
to dive into mine waffles at the MELAS
like 1 to 10 100
whoa so what’s new with you that’s new
yeah any girls no no we’re from that I’m
gonna show them how you pick up your
eggs they love that
sure they do how’s your waffle

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