Waffles Recipes

How to make cinnamon waffles

Public speaking project 2020 created by Kimberly Nitzsche

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so today I’m going to be showing you howto make arguably the best cinnamonwaffles in the world I am not by anymeans a good cook but I do think that Ican make a really good cinnamon waffleso I’m gonna show you how to do thattodaypersonally I used to just take someEggos and pop them in the toaster andthen take them out but I want to playput some syrup on it and that would bemy breakfastbut I just learned a new way how to makecinnamon waffles with a pan and on thestove and everything and I think thatthat really changed breakfast for meforeveroh the ingredients you will need ourbuttermilk Eggo waffles butter cinnamonof course and onto my massara for ahealthier alternative you can use thenutrigrain low-fat a goes a buttersubstitute and a sugar-free syrup sohere I have the three waffles and I’mgonna start off by taking the butter I’mgoing to put 1 tablespoon of butter oneach side of each waffle by the way Ijust want to add that this is definitelynot the breakfast do you want to have ifyou’re on a dietit is definitely chocolate calories andfats so you’re gonna spread that butterevenly on each side of the waffle whilewe put our waffles we’re gonna put onthe stove so the pan can heat up in themeantimeonce you’re all ready you could take thewaffle and just put it on the pan I lovethat sizzle noise just saying I justlike to let it sit there for about 45seconds 50 seconds and then I will flipit to the other side that was so coolonce I flipped it to the other side Itake the cinnamon and sprinkle some ofthat on there not too much not toolittle there about like 15 seconds I’llflip it again to the other side and thencinamon again finally I add it back tothe plate and I’m ready to eatlastly comes the syrup of coursebreakfast is servedpersonally I thought the process ofmaking cinnamon waffles was really easyand pretty fun to make

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