Waffles Recipes

#How to cook Waffles#Hot Pancakes#Simple Snacks at home

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Here’s How To Cook a Simple Hot Waffles or Pancakes
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Just listen to my voice and you can follow the steps on how to cook a hot Waffles or Pancakes
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#How to cook a Hot Waffles##How to cook hot pancakes#how to prepare simple Snacks at Home

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Video Transcription

hi guys I’m going to cook our waffle nobut here this is the mixture of mixtureof waffle this is 500 grams of flourmakes we’d 3 cups of fresh milk 3 eggs 11 vanilla sachet and 1 sachet of bakingpowder we’d treat this 4 tbsp of sugarand two pieces of medium bananas and mixtogether and this one with one port trapof cooking oil and mix mix it togetherand this is the result so I have to Ifeel it here so I have to wait I have tocover this one and I will wait after fewminutes this will be ready the heat isin number 3 so we will check still notready so if it is ready this is theready-to-eat waffle laura days this isflavored with pandan play board that iswhere the color is mint green I havehere the other one without the colorlook at this this is a light brown but Idecided to put a color that is why itlooks like this when it is ready to eatok let’s check again so this is this onelook at this it’s not yet ready so wewill wait so in few minutes 5 3 to 5minutesthis is ready and it will look like thisit’s crispy so if you want you can puthoney butter at sprinkle with fine brownsugar or you can put Nutella or butteron the toppings for these waffle waffleso thank you guys for watching I hopeyou like this video just give a thumbsup and subscribe to my channel so thatyou will learn how to cook what for locaday is this is our waffle but this oneis not yet ready we need to become morebrownish so this is just like this so itis already cooked and then it looks likethis light brown so we will just coveragain to cook more and it will be readyand this is our ready to eat wafflesso look at the smoke because it iscooking so guys this is how to cook thewaffle and you can do this at home foryour snacks or you can sell it so ifyou’re not doing anything you are freeso you can cook like this these are mymother is a non sticky so we will checkthe back side I will check the otherside though for this it’s alreadybrownish okay so that the other sidewill cook very well so guys thank youthank you for watching and please leavea comment share this video and subscribeto s GM creations and tutorialsdanke Shoen of Medicine maraming salamatfr establish your brandlet’s see mercyso this is it now it’s ready to serveand you can put any toppings on it likeno Tara okay you can put toppings nottell her together with this waffle oryou can put honey or butter or margarineanything that you like to top to put thetoppings on your waffle Duncan ofMedicine maraming salamat a new panelold knocking Cooking Channelcooking with waffle for our snacks athome

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