Karen & Kassie show you how to make easy blender sweet potato waffles. They’re moist, dense and delicious!
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Video Transcription
hi everyone I’m Karen and dr. Neil’swife and I’m here with my assistantCassie hi and we are going to make oneof our favorite dinner recipes it’ssweet potato waffles that are glutenfree do you like them Cassie yeahthey’re really dark yeah sweet potatowaffles sounds a little odd perhaps butthey’re really great they’re moist theyou can pack a lot of sweet potato inthere and the kids love them so we’regonna start out with sweet potatoes Ialready I did these in the instant potso they are already soft and mashed andwe have two cups of these so Cassie I’mjust gonna put these in first what isgreat about this recipe is that you cando it all in the blender so it’s supereasy and quick so Cassie the next thingwe need are two eggs can you go andcrack the eggs into the blender and thenwe don’t use flour we just use oatswhich it does make it a little densethanks but so if you want you could usehalf oats and half flour but we’re justgoing to use oats for baby nowthey are rolled oats or large light toconvince your hands off for coffeeokay so next up we’ve got two cups ofthe oats no don’t close it[Music]okay okay next we have two teaspoons ofbaking powder so that’s this onethis helps make it listena little fingerwhat do we usually put on top of thesewaffles Kathy pink Oh Sarah a little bitof maple syrup and what else do we alsoput on Eric sauce yes what do we put inour berry sauce just one of those weusually we just usually not badstrawberries blueberries in a saucepanand then we pour that on top so it’sdeliciousokay and we need one teaspoon ofcinnamonand you can also use the up the teaspoonof nutmeg in here but my kids don’treally like nutmeg that much so we’regoing to leave that out and then thealmost final thing I’m gonna dump a cupof milk we use almond milk or you canuse cow’s milk or any kind of milkreally works great in this recipe sothey are dairy free and gluten freewhich is great and then one spoon ofvanilla do you want to measure that youwant me to I it’s a bit tricky try notto spill it all[Music]got it[Music]okay great so that’s it and all we haveto do now is we need to blend it so weare going to put the recipe for this inthe comments below and I just want toshow you we is a waffle maker like thisand that way we can make a lot all atonce and we actually double this recipefor our family but it doesn’t all fit inthe blender but I do it doubled so we’rejust gonna do one at a time and thenI’ll do another batch of this for thisthey’re gonna be good yeah thanks a lotyou