Pies Recipes

THE MARYLAND STORE’S Popular Crab Quiche Pie. Recipe makes 2 pies! Easy and Delicious!

#TheMarylandStoreCrabmeatPie #CrabQuiche #Pies

The Maryland Store is a quaint store in the rolling countryside of central Maryland. This gem of a store resides in an old church and offers 1,000 local Maryland foods and more. One of their specialties is The Maryland Store Crab Pie. The recipe is listed below. I hope you enjoy it.

The Maryland Store Crab Pie


1 lb. lump crab meat
4 eggs
2 Tbsp. flour
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup whole milk
8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
8 oz. shredded swiss cheese
1 Tbsp. minced onion
1 Tbsp. minced green pepper
2 Tsp. pimentos
2 – 9 inch deep dish pie shells


Combine the eggs, flour, mayonnaise and milk in a bowl and mix well.
Stir in the rest of the ingredients (being careful not to break up the crab lumps.)
Bake the two pie shells at 350 degrees for 5 minutes.
Cool the pie shells.
Spoon the crab mixture into the pie shells.
Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until a knife inserted in center
comes out clean.
Yields 12 servings.

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[Music][Music]hi everyone welcome back to my channelto baking diva I hope you’re all doingwell I want to thank you all for comingback and supporting my channel welltoday I’m going to make something foryou that’s savory and this recipe comesfrom the Maryland store and I do havepermission from them to make it for youand the Maryland store is the Marylandstore resides in a former Church inWestminster Maryland and have over athousand local foods and a variety ofmarilyn items I’m going to put a fewpictures in the video for you so you canget a little idea of where it’s locatedand some of the things they sell so theyhave a recipe coolthe Maryland store crab meat pie mm-hmmand the recipe yields two pies now Ihappen to be one that doesn’t reallylike seafood there’s only a few thingsI’ll eat but I’m making these pies formy hubby the cameraman and my son andthey’ll be all ready for them for dinnertonight so what do you say we getstarted but before we do if you haven’talready subscribe to my channel go downbelow it smash that little red subscribeand the bell next to itand that’s all there is to it you’ll bea subscriber and when I put up a newvideo you’ll get a notification soanyway here we go first thing you needto do is pre-heat your oven to 350degreesnow since this yields two pies we’regoing to need twoinch pie crusts now I’ve used therefrigeratedI believe it’s Pillsbury pie crust moneyyou can do that or you can make your ownwhatever you choose so I have those allready to go you’ll notice I have alittle boo-boo on my finger I was goingin my I guess you could call it the jumpdraw in my kitchen the other day and Iwent to look for my meat thermometer andI cut the top of my finger on a potatopeeler that was very sharp so thecameraman took good care of me we usesome of that spray liquid skin on thereand he’s been cleaning it and managingit and hopefully it’s gonna heal soon sothat’s why I have my finger bandaged upso anyway the next thing we’re gonna dois we’re going to need a large bowl so Ihave one here use any kind of a bowl youwishand in this fall the first thing we’regonna put in here is so I was going touh show you what we put in our Bowl tomake our pie and when I got to I thinkit was the flour for the first timesince I’ve been doing YouTube right Iwent to look at it my card filled up andthe whole rest of my videos was goneso anyway I’m gonna like I always do putthe recipe down below for you in thedescription box and I’m gonna walk youthrough this part of it so what I put inmy bowl was I put in my four eggs I putin my one cup of whole maze I happen touse Hellmann’s I like that the best canuse any kind you want so I put in theeggs the mayonnaise I put in twotablespoons of all-purpose flour intothat the eggs the flour the mayonnaiseand milk I mixed all together by handyou can use the whisk until it’s allnicely combined so once you’re done withthat what you want to do is take becausethis recipe does yield two 9-inch piesyou want to take your pie plate and putyour pie crust in it so put them in yourpie plate and then you’re going to putyour pie plate in your 350 degree ovenfor five minutes so while your pieplates are in the oven you’re gonna putthe rest of the ingredients in this bowlso to this we are going to add eightounces of shredded cheddar cheese I usedSargento you can use any kind you wantyou’re going to use 8 ounces of shreddedSwiss cheese I had a bar of it and Ishredded it myself you’re also going toput in 1 tablespoon of minced onion and1 tablespoon of minced green pepper andyou’re gonna also put in 2 teaspoons ofpimento if you’re not sure about pimentocomes in a little jar like this they’rered and these say sliced sweet pimentoson this happens to be synced Oh grantcan use any you wantso I copped him up a little bit and Ijust put two teaspoons in the bowl andnow I’m going to just incorporate thisand mix all of this together so let mehold up the bowl for you so you can seewhat it looks like there we go cameramancame back just in time can you see thatcarrion alrighty now you need one poundof lump crabmeat the stories around herewith all that’s going on with the virusand the riots and I don’t knoweverything else they don’t have a wholelot and I’m sure the Maryland store whenthey make this pie they use nice bigpieces of lump crabmeat but I couldn’tfind that so I bought the lump crabmeatin the can and you need one pound of itI did drain the liquid out of it nowwhen you add your crabmeat to this youwant to make sure you don’t mix it toohard and break up all of your crabmeatyou don’t want to do that alright sowhile I was mixing that my timer wentoff with my two pie crusts that bakedfor five minutes so I’m going to divideup my mixture and I’m gonna put it inthese two pie crusts and then I am goingto put these little babies in the oventhe 350 degree oven for approximately 50minutes or until a knife inserted in thecenter comes out clean so let me get themixture in here can you see this camerabeing best lift this up between mmmbetween my two pie platesokay like I said when they come out ofthe oven we are going to do a tastetesting but as I told you unfortunatelyI’m not a seafood lover and I’m makingthese for the cameraman and my son soI’m gonna have to have them do a tastetesting and I’ll try to put somepictures in there of them eating thispie and what they think so I’m gonna getthese babies into the oven for the 15minuteslook at that I’ll be back when I tastethem out to show you what they look likeso don’t go awaywell I just took the pies out of theoven and I have to say they look mightyfineand I think it’s great that you get twopies out of that recipe and the recipewas actually quite easy once again I doapologize for my card filling up but therecipe will be in the description boxfor you so let’s have the guys give thema taste and see what they thinkhold onI have my knife here I’m gonna cut thefirst piece out of here and I’m gonnaserve it to the guys and see what theythink but they sure look yummythey’re very hot though I just took themout of the oven you didn’t really saywhether you’re supposed to let them coolor not so let’s see how this piece comesout very hot very much look at thatsteam coming out of there all rightsomething cut the other piece yeah takea quick clip and let you know what theythink don’t go awayokay here’s the cameraman he’s going todo a taste testing for a Sai cameramanhi Devaalright give it a taste and let me knowwhat you think are you sure yeah goaheadyou’re not taking any chances okay herewe go it’s hotit tastes like seafood I hope so and youtaste a lot of cheese in it yeah yeahand it seems to be taste like mynickname Freddylet’s check alright so you give it onethumbs up to thumbs up or no thumbs up Ionly have two thumbs you give it twothumbs up alright so there you have itthe cameraman gives it two thumbs upwell enjoy cameraman and thank youeverybody for watching give this pie atry don’t forget to subscribe I love youall and I’ll see you soon toodles[Music][Music]

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