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The Easiest Way To Make Ice Cream

Get 30% OFF your first bag of coffee with Trade Coffee when you click here: http://bit.ly/tradejoshweissman2

Making an amazing ice cream really comes down to being able to make a very simple custard base. The possibilities are limitless but homemade coffee ice cream is where we are starting.

My Ice Cream Machine: https://amzn.to/2VcoB8W
My Favorite Strainer: https://amzn.to/2ST9NuC

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Ingredients you’ll need:
2 cups (470ml) milk
2 cups (470ml) heavy cream (235ml ea)
1 3/4 cup (150g) coffee beans *See notes*
1 cup (220g) sugar
6 egg yolks
1.25tsp (4g) kosher salt

Notes on coffee beans: Obviously coffee ice cream is the king of ice creams but if you want to flavor it differently simply replace the coffee beans with whichever flavoring you prefer.

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what the hellhow’s it not broken honestly this eggdeserves to live after that everybodyice cream it just totally sucks it’sjust not the same it’s because you’renot doing it the right way and so that’swhy I’m hereI think I hope so okay think thank you[Music]consider this more of like an ice creamguide as a whole I’m choosing coffee icecream to be the recipe that we use todayfor two reasons AIDS the second reasonis because copy and then the extrareason that I’m going to add on to thatis there’s actually a lot of variationof flavor that you can toss in theredepending what kind of coffee you usethe original ‘evil all the differentthings that come into play to makingcoffee ice cream feels like there’ssomething on my brief so let’s do thisshall weafter this message from our sponsor heyyou like coffee right no not the crapstuff I’m talking about that good stuffand that’s why today’s video issponsored by trade coffee[Music]it’s a boom you take a quiz you tellyour boys how you like your coffee andthey’ll give you your coffee match madein heavendeliver it right to your door oh and didI mention that they’ll give it to youwhenever you want then you just sit backand enjoy as many different tailoredcoffees is your head could physicallydesire the first hundred people to goclick the link below in my descriptionwe’ll get 30% off their first back cometrade coffee don’t thank methank you ok so the coffee we’re workingwith is gonna be more of like achocolatey brown sugar note sort offlavor profile we can use any one thatyou want start off by measuring one inthree quarters of a cup of 150 grams ofcoffee beansI would leave pretty much mostly all ofthem whole you can crush a couple hereand there but it’s better for them to bewhole to medium sized pot add 2 cups of470 millilitres of whole milk and onecup for 235 milliliters of heavy cream 1cup for 220 grams of granulated sugarand a small pinch of salt to that you’regonna add your coffee beans but I justwanna say that this is a base for justabout any basic ice cream flavor youwant to do vanilla vanilla extract yousee I’m saying you can replace the beanswith other flavors now place it on thestove on medium heat and just get thatbrother real nice and hot and steamyokay no boiling but very very hot coverwith a lid and let it steep for about 45minutes now when that’s almost donesteaming you large bowl filled with iceand then fill it up with water so makeit an ice bath and then place a smallerbowl into that ice bath to the ice bathat another cup or two 35 milliliters ofheavy cream place that bad boy to theside okay so now your coffee make sureis steeped it’s probably cooled down alittle bit so heat it back up so it’ssteamy and hot but not boiling andseparate out six egg yolks place thoseegg yolks into a medium-sized bowlwhat’s that make sure it’s steamy andhot again just little a tiny little bitinto your egg yolks mix them togethertie a little more mix them together andyou’re tempering the eggs to get themnice and warm and add that mixture backto your warm coffee mixture and justlike our eggnog video you’re gonnagently heat that don’t boil it don’t letit go over 170 Fahrenheit and maintainthat at a steamy heat stirringconstantly until it thickens like thiswhen I say thick I mean thick like nottwenty seven seas but maybe like 13 seasnow pour er now custard through afine-mesh sieve into your ice bath whereyour cream is so you got that creammixed with a custard and then just coolthat down till completely cold this ispretty much it now we just need to churnit yeah I do be reallyraising a base of a stupid ice creammakers we got one with a compressor okayI am running out of space in my kitchenit’s actually really bad but also notadd your ice cream base to one of ourice cream machine you have this one isgreat I’m really glad that I got this tobe honestly I know it’s a big you know Iam with the whole being extra but turnit to the manufacturers directions thisone you’d literally just pour it inthere and it’s literally makes it youdon’t need to freeze the base because itfreezes itself if you wanna know where Igot this I’ll have the link below in thedescription once that’s all churned andburned but well the opposite of burnedpour that into pint containers or an icecream container like you see herethey’ll be links for that too and thenplace it on your freezer for a couplehours or overnight and then it’ll beready to serve now when you’re servingthis a please use a regular ice creamscoop look you can use the mechanicalones they’re not that it’s not that biga video but like if you learn how toscoop proper ice cream like this it’sjust so gratifying you scrape all theway down and then notice how I’m liketurning my wrist to sort of like getthat ball shape while the end plop it inyour bowl and enjoy now we get to reallystop here that looks scrumdiddlyumptiousbut we could also take some beautifulhand scoop perfect balls put them in acup with another set of espresso beansgrind that put it on your espressomachine extract to beautiful gorgeousshots and then pour that hot voluptuousyes I’m gonna use that word espressodirectly on top of your ice cold icecream so you got some melty root beerfloat but with a whole lot of caffeineit’s a very nice thing mmm ridiculouslysmooth tell me my god note that bymaking a proper custard don’t mean anyfreakin stabilizers or gums of peoplenot knowing how to properly scoop icecream show some respectoh mathematically a perfect spear andI’m not very good at math the attentionto detail the finesse the love the icecream tells me this bite of ice creamthis creamy concoction is probably goingto be delicious and I for one and nowexcited and that’s how I feel about theshape of ice cream do you want to knowwhat else I feel passionately about theshape of hey don’t you forget about thattrade coffee deal we got going on rightgo down there click that link get thatget that bag of coffee yeah alright guysand that is it so coffee ice cream isthe perfect ice cream all right periodand the story it is my favorite icecream of all time it never underdelivers unless someone messes it upthere’s so many things added to icecream to make it like texturally goodbut if you just make a really nicebeautiful luscious custard and you youknow properly apply your technique youwill have an incredible ice creamregardless of any of those variablesbeautiful base beautiful finishingproduct makes sense same thing in allthings in life in cooking I hope this isinspirational inspirationthrowing it your way but with all thatsaid if you enjoyed this video or youlearned something leave a like tosubscribe and I will see you next timevery grateful for you love you kiss yousee you later[Music]

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