After being home for almost two weeks now, everyone has found their own creative ways to spend their days. Joanna has loved the extra time in the kitchen to create and make meals for the family. She wanted to share another recipe from her new cookbook – Magnolia Table, Volume 2! Get the recipe in this video, as well as in the cookbook. Available April 7, or you can pre-order by clicking this link:
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
[Music]okay I wanted to share a really quickand easy soup recipe from the newcookbook it is the spinach tortellinisoup super yummy and very easy therewere a few ingredients I don’t havebecause the corn team which is so finebut I’m just going to show you somemodifications that if you don’t havesome of the ingredients just to kind ofget creative and use what you haveso the first thing I’m doing is sauteingabout half of a white onion that I’vediced and then about a tablespoon ofgarlic I’m sauteing that for about threeminutes getting that really nicely softwith a tablespoon of butter okayAmy so we’re gonna pour six cups ofchicken breast I mean this is thechicken broth go ahead and pour that inthere please man hey Gordon perfect therecipe calls for fire roasted tomatoes Idon’t have fire roasted tomatoes but Ihave diced tomatoes that are cans I usethose okay I mean now you’re gonna dohalf of the teaspoon hold this ofItalian see where this is 1/4 I need twoof these that makes a half two of thosewho doesn’t havehello there’s our Gani there’s snow dumpit in and then let’s do a little lessthan half I’m you kiddos are a littlebit picky when it comes to the flavorsyep yeah I mean once we bring this to aboil we’re gonna put in a can of butterbeans the recipe actually calls forcannellini beans I don’t have cannellinibeans so we’re gonna try the butterbeans and also nine ounces of cheesetortellini we’ve had a few friends thatare making this this week that actuallycouldn’t find the cheese tortellini inthe store so they were just creative anduse their own kind of pasta you can doit everyone so while the soup is boilingI’m gonna get some fresh parsley it alsocalls for two tablespoons fresh basiland I don’t have fresh basil so we’rejust gonna be fine with thatso typically I like to use a largeFrench loaf put butter on it serve it onthe side like an artisan bread orsomething on the side but you kiddoslike to eat something a little moresubstantial with soup[Music]okay so the tortellini is boiled forabout two or three minutes I’m going toadd the spinach it’s about four to sixcups of spinach and because my kiddosaren’t huge into an abundance of leafygreens I’m gonna do a little less andyou want to salt and pepper to taste I’mgonna let that simmer for about twominutes until the spinach is kind ofwilted and then you can serve it so yougarnish it with fresh shade fresh so yougarnish it with fresh sake oh my goodso you garnish it with fresh shavedparmesan like so whewI made a grilled cheese so the kids candip it in the soup and there you have itchicken spinach there’s no chicken in itthere you have itspinach tortellini soup decided rookies[Music]