The most delicious one pan spaghetti pie ever
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hey guys chef Joe seminar here today I’mgonna be doing a spaghetti pie becausemy cousin in Italy does not serve herkid sandwiches they take pieces ofspaghetti pie all throughout the day sowe’re gonna be making it with eithercapicola or I’m probably leaning towardsthe super sada for this one but it’s aneasy recipe and make some mascarpone andmelt about a dice and meat this is cooksuper soft cook 1 pound of linguine for11 minutes I like to do six eggs in minereally adds for a nice custard flavorone cup of Moscow 1/2 cup of heavy creamgrated Romano cheese about half a cup 2tablespoons Locatelli salt and crackedblack pepper some grated cheese drainthe pasta add some spinach add you meetwith jocastaa very hot pan add it in with oil nowthe trick with this is you got to keepmoving it like that so it stays awayfrom the sides of them ok flip it overbake 350 mm here it is the spaghetti pietastes